Twilight 11.21.08

Monday, September 13, 2004

Bad Night, Weird Dreams

I had a really bad night sleep last night. I woke up at 1:21am bc I had a dream there was a bird flying around my room and I woke up breathing really heavy. Then I slepy solid until 5:47am and woke up with a terrible stomach ache and I went to the bathroom and was finally able to go abck to sleep by like 6:20am.
But when I went back to sleep I had crazy dreams. I had one with Gavin and in the dream we were at the hospital and he was in some accident, but then the doctors found out he was sick. so when I saw him, he was screaming from pain bc they were working on his hands, but i hadn't seen his face yet. He didn't know that I was there, and when I finally saw his head, he was bald from kimo (or at least that's how it looked). I held his hand and he was so happy to see me there with him and he knew that I wasn't going to leave him.
It was really weird. I woke up really sad. But then when I just checked my mail and there was an e-mail from "Gavin" and it said that he was taking some time off. (I know you got that e-mail honey) It was really weird, I also know that I had another weird dream after that but it's too weird to actually put words to.
also, since I know that the only person really reading this is Honey, I forgot to tell you that the Snow Partol guy Lightbody (that's right, right?) is really really thin, too thin. but he does have a cute face. But honey YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! you are soooo tan, you look awesome. I think I will right a comment on your post. I got your comment. And I am afraid that I can not choose one color, but I think I will stick with these 3 colors. I like how they look.
Today I made a phone call for the Holidays so I can go away for meals. and I am all booked which is good. Also, I already have dinner maranading I made an interesting thing for the chicken. I did it early so that I wouldn't miss OPRAH/ Which I am so excited about. I also last night made my tv taping schedule for the week and for the holidays and for when Honey comes up. She happens to be coming on a day when a lot of shows start. Smallville - which I still didn't get what is supposed to happen with Lex's poisening. Models show starts, Lost - which I only wanted to see the first episode, bc I don't know if it's good yet. The Bachelor starts and Law and Order. That's a shitload of TV.
I think that's all for now. the day's not even over yet. but I hope that nothing else really happens. I will right again soon.


Blogger Honey said...

seriously, the colors are making me dizzy! and the font is soo small! I think i'm going to be sickkkk......


11:44 PM  

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