Porn + Harry Potter = A Great Day with Miriam

I was freaking out, I grabbed Miriam's arm - who was watching intently - and saying "OH MY G-D you took me to porn" under my breath. End scene. People in the audience freaked out. some older people left. Open scene to Act 2: the main couple having sex again!!! finishing really. But come on people. there was no warning!!! Then there was a gay couple and they started to kiss and a lady 2 rows in front of me said OUT LOUD "Oh No!!" I almost lost I was laughing so hard. But I said to Miriam, if they have sex I will be mortified. But all in all it was a really good show. I found out that Hilary Duff went the day b4 so that's annoying.

We ate an early dinner at Mr. Broadway and it was the best pastrami sandwich ever!! so yummy. We talked a lot. It was just really nice to spend the whole day with her. Eating, walking, talking, stalking. watching a show and a movie. Miriam and I don't get to spend a lot of time together and almost never get to in the city doing stuff. So it was really nice. Miriam didn't want to take the subway (beats me why not) so we walked 30 blocks to the Harry Potter Imax 3D theater. I wanted to get there early bc last time I went it was packed and I did NOT want to sit in the front.

We talked and looked at stuff all the way there and when we got there, there was no line, not one person waiting and no one on the food line or in the bathroom either. oops!! but we got the seats I wanted and both of us had blisters and that killed bc we had to walk back to the car. Meh. B4 the movie started I was asking all these personal questions that she actually answered. She's very frank with me and I always appreciate it. she doesn't sugar coat anything!!

After the movie we walked back to the car and walked through Columbus circle and it was very romantic bc of the fountains and lights. Miriam said she would approve if I got engaged there. I was like, "I'll get right on that. jees." Both of us had blisters and hurting feet, but finally getting to the car and sitting was most appreciative. And that was the day. So even though she doesn't read my blog I thank her for a really, really great day.

I didn't sleep that well last night. I woke up like at 7am and really didn't fall back to sleep. I kept thinking about Big brother 8 and that is even more irritating. At least let me think about something that actually matters!!
B4 the weekend my brother and sister - n - law had food delivered to the house for a full shabbos meal. It really was so nice of him. I almost cried. It was so sweet of him to think of me and my grandmother. He's not religious so the fact that he did it means even more. I've been making meal plans for Rosh Hashanah which is coming up soon. I'm going to be doing a lot of walking which is good. I will also be spending some time with the Glazers who are moving to Israel soon and that's gonna be really, really sad. I mean I know that they have been wanting to make this move almost there whole lives, I just can't help to think about pretty much growing up in their house. Whatever... there's nothing I can do about it.

I've finished the very fine show "The Forsyte Saga." I can't say enough about Rupert Graves. It was a terrific Masterpiece theater. The amount of crying I did was shocking to me. Ya I cry at the Potter, but not British Masterpiece theater stuff. I was just really touched by the characters and the acting was really great. Damien Lewis was perfect as the controlling sycophant husband. Rupert graves had a perfect touch of softness mixed with authority. I just love everything about this mini series. I recommend it to everyone. It's really long bc there is a part 2: the later generation, but it's just as good and has all the same people. It really is quite good.

I can't believe that michelle Williams and Heath Ledger broke up!!! It's crazy. They seemed like a normal couple, really down to earth and all that jazz. They should try counseling or something. They have a kid together!! They should try and make it work.

I watched a very exciting tie breaking tennis match between James Blake and Tommy Haas. I really thought that Blake had it, but literally by a half an inch he did not. I really like watching Tennis.

Then we are going to see the Frames and Cara will be there as well. I am really looking forward to that as well. I noticed that the small theater near me is Finally showing Once. Maybe I'll go and see it!! All the food that will be consumed is worth the excitement. I can't wait for brunch. that's what it's all about people. Eating with the people you love.

I've been awaiting my Entertainment Weekly issue for the TV schedule that will be starting soon. There's going to be a lot of new tv this year. I can't wait to see what's going to be good and what's not.
I went to Linen's N Things with Shira today and I hate that place. I prefer Bed, Bath and Beyond. I could (and have) spend hours in there. Rochi also came over with her poopy Jersey. It was nice to visit with both of them.
That's it for now. Until next time...
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