Lisa Hannigan, a wedding and other things
April’s wedding was so amazingly beautiful. I have never been to a non-Jewish wedding and everything was new to me.

I really had a fun time. I did April’s hair, Honey’s hair and makeup and I have to say they both came out really great. The first dance they shared was so sweet. It was at a really nice place and I was just really nice. I’m glad that I was there. It was great to see them getting married. The Reverend they had was so nice, I ended up sitting at her table and she was great. There was a lot of dancing and it was fun. Chantal (Honey’s other bff) is an amazing dancer. She was teaching me some moves. She really knows how to move that body.

The next day Honey’s Aunt Julie hosted a brunch that Honey and I cooked for. It was so much. I really love doing that type of stuff, bc well it’s my background. I really love doing that cooking thing with Honey. Aunt Julie has a cute dog, named Allie and she’s a mush mush. It really was a great day.
The next day Honey and I made our way to April and Patrick’s to cat/house sit. From there we went to see Lisa. But we forgot the directions but we knew sort of how to get there, but then we had to get off the beltway bc there was way too much traffic. Then we really had no idea where we were. I was just following Honey’s instructions. I don’t know how, but we actually made it to Constitution Hall with plenty of time to kill.

10th row. It was so great of Lisa. She went on and she was so beautiful and the band sounded great. They did that Iron and Wine cover that she sings with Donagh. It was a great show. Jason Mraz went on and though I think he’s ok and his voice is stunningly beautiful, the show really was boring. It felt like adult contemporary, especially with the horn section. It didn’t help that girls behind us were so annoying, they were screaming and singing along LOUDLY. Finally, I had enough and so did Honey and we left.

We hung out inside for the show to finish bc it was a bit nippy out. Then we went outside and hung out with Lisa, Tomo, Una, Donagh, Tomo, Gavin and later Shane for an hour or so. It was a lot of fun. Una and Donagh were particularly awesome. I mean of course beside Lisa. We talked to Tomo for a while and he said some pretty funny things about Keane that I don’t think I will be repeating out loud, but every time I think about it I laugh to myself.

Honey and I bought a gift for Lisa earlier in the day and we gave it to her. It was a compact mirror, made of a black pearl like cover and a cameo over that. It was very pretty. Lisa was really touched. She said, “you already gave me a gift.” I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, Honey knew right away what she meant but it took me a minute to realize she was talking about our MSG after snow patrol meeting. She was touched and so were we.

We freaked out all week bc we were both sick and it was sinking in slowly each day what happened. I think it’s still sinking in and it’s been weeks. The rest of the week we just vegged out and watched a million NCIS’s. That really is a good show. I’m watching the premiere of “The Legend of the Seeker”. The concept is good. It’s part Lord of the rings, mixed with Harry Potter and Xena warrior Princess. But unfortunately, as of right now the acting is more like Hercules or Xena equaling not good. That’s frustrating. I wish it was good. It would have been better if the actors were British.
Sad to say, “The Ex-List” has been canceled. That makes me sad. It was a cute show, but I honestly didn’t know where it was going to go after a year. Pushing Daisies might be canceled bc it costs too much money, that would suck bc Lee Pace is so cute and it’s such a great show. I am really liking the Sarah Connor Chronicles and the Mentalist. Some say it’s like that show Psych but it’s really not. That show is kitschy and this one is more serious. Life on Mars, though I am still watching it, I’m not really sure why. It’s NEVER going to be anything close to the original. Without John Simm and Phillip Glenister it’s really just dumb. Though, the actor O’mara is quite hot. He’s like Kevin from Brother’s and Sister’s but straight. Matthew Rhyse and Jason O’mara could be in a movie together and be brothers. But the sad thing about Life on Mars is that the people think it’s good and have NO idea how much better the original is. Most of them won’t even try and look to watch it. They should bc they are really missing out.
I watched a bunch of old movies that were really rather good. Sunset Boulevard: Gloria Swanson was a super freak in that. She was really great. On the Waterfront: Marlon Brando was really hot. It was a bit boring though. Deer Hunter: I thought this was going to be dull as sin and it really wasn’t at all. It was quite good and Robert De Niro was hot when he was younger. His acting was really good and subtle. I enjoyed this movie a lot. All about Eve: This was a great movie also. Bette Davis was great and Anne Baxter were great. They played well against each other. Anne Baxter was some kind of crazy in this movie. I really liked this movie a lot. I watched Love’s Labours Lost and that was NOT a good movie. I love Alessandro Nivola but that is not a good movie. I could see that Kenneth Branagh was trying to do but it didn’t work, not even a little.
This awesome woman, Penny that works with the accountant that our office uses just came back from Prince Edwards Island, yes the place where they shot Anne of Green Gables. I’ve been slightly obsessed with this movie trilogy for a few months now and she knew that. Penny brought me back from the Anne of Green Gables store this “Kindred Spirits” pin, a mug of a painting of Green Gables with Anne, A calendar of Pringce Edward Island and Marilla’s Truffles for G-ma. It was so sweet of her. I couldn’t believe it and I can’t believe that they actually have an Anne of Green Gables store. I need to go there.
Arwen just went cookoo for her catnip.
I can’t wait for Twilight!!! Until next time…
dude, you need to add r.pattz to your delightfully named 'i'd do it' list. when you've seen twilight you'll agree! :-)
you're totally right and have put him on my "do ii" list!!
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