The New Hotness
I haven't written a blog in a really long time. There has been a lot going on with my life. Some good, some bad, some of the usual shit that happens everyday. I was dating someone and now I am not. I've been working a lot lately and not really going to any concerts. The last show I was at was The Foo Fighters at MSG. The seats were very far away but they were amazing anyway. The mosh pit was a real mosh pit, i don't think i would have been happy on the floor with people running into each other. But it was a great show and Dave was amazing and playful. I love that guy.
Honey came for a long visit and stayed with me and some other friends. I was sick with the flu in there somewhere and i had a really high fever. it wasn't pretty. but honey totally took care of me, which is funny bc she was in my house, it was supposed to be the other way around.
But nothing has made me want to write a blog up to this point. Last night I was home late from work and watched Idol when I got home. But thank goodness i taped it bc I was on the phone at the actual time of this performance and i would have been so pissed if i missed it. David Cook sang "billie jean" the chris cornell version last night. i was completely and utterly blown away. I would pay money to see this guy. That's really saying a lot from me. Bc i don't like spending money and I will only spend money on a show that is worth it. and I would think he's worth it. He's got an amazing voice, he's got that squooshy butt that I like, has good hair for now, and he's just awesome!!! It was a proud moment. please watch it here!!!
Also, there is a movie that should be coming out soon called "the fall" with lee pace directed by Tarsem Singh who made the visually amazing movie "the cell". Here are some stills from the movie that moved me. The colors are vibrant and tell a story of their own. I really can't wait to see this film.

In other news, Dave Matthews Band is going back on tour and I am not going. Sad i know... but there really wasn't a convenient show to go to. Ticket prices also went up a bit. I've seen them 34 times so I figured i could miss this tour. Though it makes me a little sad. I am definitely going through concert withdrawal. I need to see some good live music. So Damien, Franz, Muse, U2 anytime you want to put out some new albums I would really appreciate it so I can see you somewhere.
I think that's it for now. until next time.
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