Twilight 11.21.08

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Kings of Leon at Coachella

Though I wasn't actually at Coachella, I got to see Kings of Leon on the Youtube live stream from the festival. The setlist was quite phenomenal from that night because the band played a lot of older songs. During the start of Crawl, Caleb has been kicked in the pants with a little vigar as he slightly gyrated to the beat. It's always nice to see him have a good time.

What was amazing was the ability to be able to watch this concert at all. The streaming was so great. I would never been able to afford a ticket to the festival let alone the airfare, so it was fantastic to watch from my bedroom!

My KOL family from around the world formed a "virtual team barrier" while we all watched together and talked through twitter. It was an amazing experience. I had my friend's from Spain, Scotland, England and Austria all together, all awake at the same time watching our band play to the world.

Nothing but the memories

Closer, Crawl, Radioactive, Taper Jean Girl, Velvet Snow, Pistol of Fire, Molly's Chambers, The Bucket, Mi Amigo, Back Down South, Fans, Mary, The Immortals, Notion, No Money, Four Kicks, On Call, Sex on Fire, Use Somebody, Black Thumbnail

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