Twilight 11.21.08

Sunday, September 19, 2004

It's been a long time

Hello everybody!!! The holiday is over. I am very happy about that, though I had a pretty good time, talking, playing cards and spending time with friends and eating a shload of food. Man we Jews eat a lot!!! Thank goodness I did a ton of walking.
so, I was reading honey's story and man it's a good beginning. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE REST OF IT!!!
I also can't wait until Wednesday, it's gonna totally ROCK!!!
So, I was in Target on Sat. Night and there was a video on the tv in the electronics section and I wasn't watching it, only listening, but I was thinking that it was awesome. It was Kean. I was pleasantly surprised.
So, on Starting Over, the father of Josie's baby is... NOT JONATHAN, it's her best friend who she had a one night stand with.
so, I am looking forward to a lot of tv. I am watching the Emmy's right now. Gary Shandling is the host, eh he's ok.
I have to start putting some pics on my blogger. Also, I was noticing - Honey's friend has the same background as me, but on her's you see her post right at the top, but on mine you don't. I have to figure this whole thing out.
I can't stay on the computer so long though. so I think I am going to sign off on that. I cleaned my room today and caught up on the shows I missed during the holiday. Now I have to figure out a taping schedule for when honey comes, yom kippur and Succot.
My cats are really cute. Muffin came from her cave the other night and she slept with me and it was very sweet of her. She never does that. I want to figure out how to post them like honey did. Which by the way, that was such a cute pic of leo and willow.
so, anyhoo I am gonna get going. Sara Jessica Parker looks amazing!! what a great dress.
ok, until next time.


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