They could be brothers!!!!!

They were both in People Magazine sexiest men alive. The pic here of JDM is not the one in the magazine, I couldn't find it on line. But you can still see how much they look like each other. They should play long lost brothers in a movie and when they finally see each they can run to each other, embrace and both should start crying!!! Who wouldn't want to see that?
It's crazy how much they look like each other

Dave Annable and look at the poopy puppy!! Bull dogs are my most favorite dogs and this is one of my most favorite men!! DADAMN!!! Look at the hotness. Now just imagine him crying. It's too much.... guys are so hot!!
Everyone should go out and buy this People magazine because it is worth every penny. There is a gorgeous pic of Wentworth Miller, it's almost unbelievable that those are his real eyes.
Thank you People for having this special Magazine. I am obsessed with Entertainment Weekly, I read it every week cover to cover, but they don't have these types of magazine bc it a more "serious" magazine. Usually I hate People bc it's blah and boring. But when it has all these hot guys in one place and I can always appreciate that. James McAvoy is in it also.... I mean everyone is in it!!!
Have fun!!!
oh yetta, you crack me up. i love this post. and i am totally buying this people mag now. really. i'll report back after i get it and let you know who i think is the hottest guy in it. are there any athletes in it?
later dude ~
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