I haven’t written a blog in quite a long time. Things have been very up and down lately in life. Let me start off with the sad news first. My stepsister Jen, passed away. It’s very sad. I miss her. She was an amazing woman. She taught me how to play dutch blitz (which is a Mennonite card game). She gave me real competition when it came to celebrity knowledge. When the family got together we would play those DVD trivia games and kill the competition. There was a lot of laughter. I love her and will miss her forever.

In happier news in the past few months, I’ve met Daniel Radcliffe twice, and I met Richard Griffiths, and hung out with Lisa Hannigan and band. Some of the pictures aren’t yet developed and other pictures haven’t been scanned in yet. I saw Eqqus and Daniel Radcliffe was amazing in that play. I know that he’ll win a Tony for his performance. It was a really, really weird play. But it was really good. It was really weird seeing Harry Potter naked. But he got lost in that part. When you watched it, he wasn’t Harry Potter anymore. He really was quite good.
I’ve been watching a lot of television. Brother’s and Sister’s is so great. I can’t wait to watch the tv movie they are going to show on Sunday. House has been all right. How I Met Your Mother hasn’t been on in a while. The Bachelor has been really, really good. I know I shouldn’t like this show, but I do. I stopped watching Heroes. Medium is great. NCIS is ok. Dinozo is hot. I’m excited about Reaper. American Idol has NOT been great. The contestants really aren’t that great so far. There are only about 3 I like thus far. The Mentalist has been really great. I like Simon Baker. I look forward to some hot man crying. Lost has been soooo great. It’s really going out with a bang. This season is so good. I look forward to seeing how everything ends. I love that Lindloff and Cuse!!! Life has been really good as well. I agree with Honey about the music that they use for this show. It’s all perfect in all the perfect parts. Criminal Minds is still awesome, even though I missed an episode. I haven’t really been watching Ugly Betty. And I know, I know, I know that Grey’s Anatomy has not been good of the late, BUT, and there is a big BUT, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and McScotty are so hot that it doesn’t matter the show is dumb. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is so hot that he makes me want to cry. The man crying he does is brilliant. McScotty has had a freak out almost every episode. It’s so wonderful!!! 30 Rock is really funny. I love Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey. The Sarah Connor Chronicles have been really good. But they really missed out on a good man crying opportunity with John Connor. That was disappointing. The Doll House, we’ll see. I hope it gets good. I love Joss Whedon. I hope that if you stick with it there will be a big payoff. Through Netflix I have been watching The Sopranos, which is a good show and Weeds, which is also a really good show. Honey got me into watching Veronica Mars as well and that’s also a really good show. I’m sad that the show was canceled. Wow that really is a lot of television.
The Academy Awards this year were so nice. Everyone looked beautiful, including some of the men. It was so respectful this year to have past winners speak about all the nominees. It let everyone have a moment. They were touched and I felt that it really softened the blow when they didn’t win. It was such a lovely idea that should be done every year. I also really liked how they made the middle awards a bit more interesting. They told it like a movie. Going in order of the way a movie is made and giving the awards in that order was interesting. It kept me interested at least. Hugh Jackman was a great host. I usually don’t really like him, but he was great.
Now Let’s get to the dresses:

The best dressed all night was Anne Hathaway. She looked AMAZING!! Her dress was flawless. I loved all the sparkles and she looked great. Her hair was great, her earings were pretty and she just took my breath away. A+

Kate Winslet – She looked beautiful. I loved her pewter dress with the black sparkly overlay. Her hair was a throw back to Grace Kelly. Her jewels were perfect as well. She looked like an Oscar winner and I was so happy that she won. She really did well. A+

Sarah Jessica Parker – I know that she wasn’t nominated for anything but she looked like a princess and just beautiful. When she and hubby passed by Gayle in a hallway (she was with Oprah’s show) Sarah Jessica and Matthew Brodrick had a moment. They looked at each other with complete love and respect. It was a really nice moment to see, and just for that she’s high on my list. A

Taraji P. Henson – She looked quite pretty. Her jewels were out of this world. Her dress was also quite pretty. It felt like a “moment” dress. The segments of fabric made it a very rich dress along with the gathering in the train. A

Penelope Cruz – The dress was 60 years old and it was also a “moment” dress and it was her moment that night. She looked lovely. Her diamond necklace didn’t hurt either. A

Angelina Jolie – she was just ok. But the reason I am putting her so high on the list is because of her 180 carats of Emerald. That’s my birthstone and besides diamonds my favorite jewel. I love the Emerald City in the wizard of oz bc it’s all EMERALDS!! Dress: B- Earrings: A+

Evan Rachel Wood – I was reading entertainment weekly and they made a good point that a girl that pale shouldn’t look good in that light color. But she did. Her dress and hair were very old Hollywood, but with the dark, dramatic nail polish and the lines of the dress made it very current. She looked very pretty. A-

Robert Downey Jr – he looked happy, healthy and hot. He wasn’t wearing sneakers and he really looked put together. Well done: A

Freida Pinto – Some didn’t like her dress. But what’s not to like? It’s a pretty color, which not many people wore vibrant colors. She had sparkles in her dress and it was like a sari, but not. She is just a very pretty girl and it looked nice on her. A-

Amy Adams – I think I might be the only one that liked her dress and her jewels, and the fact that she wore them together. I LOVED IT!! Her dress was modern with the geometric shapes on the bust and the chiffon hanging from the front. I loved her necklace, even with the many colors. The necklace was 669 Carats of rubies, emeralds and sapphires. What’s not to like? It was different and such a nice touch to her dress. It was all good in my eyes. Dress: B+ Jewels: A

Mickey Rourke – I liked his look. It was very appropriate and it wasn’t fake. It had a lot of touches of him in that tux. His dog just died and he wore a pin and necklace with the pooch’s image. As an animal lover I thought it was really touching. I like the chains hanging and he looked good. I really thought he was going to win, but at least he looked great. B

Hottest Couple – Diane Lane and Josh Brolin – Josh is gorgeous. I have always been attracted to him, even back in the 80’s when he was in The Goonies. Same with Diane Lane, she’s gorgeous. Together they make a gorgeous sandwich. A

Natalie Portman – A spot of color was nice to see and she really looked very together and very pretty. Her hair was nice with a clean sweep up do. She went with a dramatic nail also, but it didn’t really go with her dress. B-

Viola Davis – She was great in gold. Her hair and boobs looked great. I don’t think I have ever seen her dress up, she always plays such serious characters and it was nice to see her looking pretty. B-

Marisa Tomei – I know some people think that this dress was best make over from the Golden Globes. But I LOVED her dress from the golden globes. It was all very Anne of Green Gables and she looked so pretty. On that note, this wasn’t a make over for me. I just liked this dress a lot as well. She’s a pretty lady and it’s nice to see her getting some recognition. I loved both dresses and was going to post a whole blog about the last dress, but I didn’t get around to it. This dress was different and I loved all the pleats. The GG dress: A. This dress: B

Halle Berry – As per usual she looked amazing. She’s always pretty and always uses great designers. My favorite all time dress of hers was when she won the Oscar in Eli Saab. That was so pretty. B-

Jessica Biel – What a mess!! I was so disappointed in her dresses that night. She wore a different dress for the parties and that dress was also a mess. It looked like she was wearing a big bib. It was not a good color, even though the muted colors was the Red Carpet fashion statement this year, it just didn’t work on her. She is one of, if not my favorite, stylista. That’s why her dresses were that much worse for me. But I was thinking that maybe she’s pregnant with JT’s baby and she had to wear something to cover a baby bump? Who knows? Oscar De La Renta, my absolute favorite designer in the world, did her second dress and that was triply disappointing. It was a rough night, style wise, for her. At least her face looked pretty, but that she can’t even help. C-

Miley Cyrus – I think everyone probably hated this dress. I can see their point after closely looking at the dress. She definitely could have had a lot less half shells around the bottom. Apparently the dress was 12 pounds. But I loved the sparkles in the dress and it really reminded me of a Barbie dress and in my eyes, there is nothing wrong with that.

Reese Witherspoon – Honey did not like this dress. I can see her point, but I LOVED the color. In a night when there were so many different color whites, ivories, egg shells, silvers and other wall pallet colors of white, it was nice to see a jewel colored dress. Her makeup was not great. Entertainment Weekly gave her dress and “F”, I’m still not hating the dress so I give it a C.

Alicia Keys – Pretty in Pink. I loved her jewels as well. Very well done. I wish she was singing bc John Legend sang one of the Oscar nominated songs and he looked hot. She would be hot with him… ooohhh and Common. She was with Common in a movie that I saw and that was super hot. Back to the dress: B-

Jennifer Aniston – She looked beautiful and was so happy that John Mayer went with her. Her dress was almost like Anne Hathaway’s with the sparkly goodness and she looked relaxed and tan. A-

Virginia Madson – No one really paid any attention to her and her great red dress. The color was great. It was the perfect red. Not too orange, not to pink. The architecture was modern and well fitting. The material was good. She had a cute little matching belt and a nice size train. Everything about this dress was good. She looked great, I’m not sure why she was there, I don’t know if she was in anything that was nominated. But I’m glad she was there bc it was a great dress. A

Robert Pattinson – Do I really even have to describe anything? His hair was great, he looked great in a tux and there you have it!! A+
And there you have it, my wrap up of the Oscar’s and everything else. I’ll be going to Honey this weekend and we’re seeing Lisa Hannigan and band. I always look forward to these 2 things. I am also looking forward to U2 and their new album. They are going to be on Letterman every night this week. I’ll have to get my music tape ready so I can record that.
update: I saw U2 on Letterman last night. And they were AMAZING!! They are one of the best and biggest bands in the world!! The Edge looked super hot, actually they all looked super hot!! I can't wait until tonight!!
Also - Jimmy Fallon Late Night premiered and it was NOT good. Justin Timberlake was funny as always and cute and hot. I think it's really weird that the roots are his house band. Aren't they better then that? Jimmy wasn't funny and he was really awkward. I don't know if it's going to last. But maybe people said that when Conan first got started. We'll see.
One last thing - I am soooooooooo mad at Jason Mesnick, the current bachelor. I can not believe what he did last night. On the show he got engaged to Melissa, who's a great girl and she got along with his family and his son. She had been through so many awful things and then on "after the bachelor" he dumped her and asked the other girl for another chance. She stupidly said yes to him!!! I AM SO ANGRY!!!! Mostly for Melissa because she is so good and he really is such a complete jack ass. She called him a bastard and I couldn't agree more. No one says that he should have stayed with her if it wasn't working. But the fact that he dumped her on tv and really didn't give what they had a chance is just disappointing and my heart broke for Melissa. UGH!!!
Anyhoo, Until next time…
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