Twilight 11.21.08

Monday, April 24, 2006

My Eyes are Open

This the new Snow Patrol Album that I can NOT stop listening to. Every single song on it is so good. I know that they opened up for U2 in Europe (those lucky bastards... Europe not Snow Patrol... they're just lucky) and I really think that they took some notes. This album is so good that it has inspired me to actually write a blog. I am really excited that I am going to be seeing them at the end of may. I shall call it my birthday show, even though it's 2 days later. It's going to be such a great show. I think I should start listening to their first album. I don't even think that this album has been released yet. Gary Lightbody has such a great voice. It's not what I would expect him to sound like. But it's really good. I was very suprised, in a bad way that Rolling Stone did not like the new Single, "Hands Open." Not only did they say that "embarrassing Name Dropping" was used but they said Gary mispronounced Sufjan Stevens name, (Which he totally DID NOT) they went on to say: "Despite that bid for hipster cred, the song finds Snow Patrol pumping up their indie-pop sound with overmuscled guitar riffs to the point where they now resemble a Brit Nickelback." I think that whoever wrote this review OBVIOUSLY was not listening clearly. If they could listen to the full album I am sure that their opinion would change. Sometimes I hate Rolling Stone. But sometimes I don't...

BC they also had a short blurb about Coldplay's Chris Martin and Johnny Buckland got into Wayne Coyne's truck and went around Oklahoma City with him. He showed them around to some weird things. I would have loved to have been in that truck... but at the end of the blurb it says: "why are we telling you all this? Bc we're obsessed with the Lips' At War With the Mystics - If you don't have it, go but the shit! they have redeemed themselves for now.

In other news that no one cares about: I got my warehouse package today, finally! It took them so long to get this out. This is the dave matthews band fan association. It came with a cool pen that has a light in it and it's a really nice pen. and it came with a refill ink thing. It also came with a pic of the band on stage and a cd with songs from live shows:
1. The song that Jane Likes: MSG
2. Captain: UMB Pavillion, MO
3. Rhyme and Reason: MSG
4. Jimi Thing: Randalls Island, NY
5. Help Myself: Jouranl Pavillion, NM
6. Busted Stuff: Lakewood Amphitheater, GA
7. Mother Father: PAC Bell Park, CA
8. Angel: Meadows Music Theater, CT
I look forward to listening to these songs.

Thanks to Honey for my beautiful card and the awesome stamp of Animal. The coolest puppet ever.

C-look at my comment of my last post. I really want details to that edge story. MAN ALIVE... I will meet him one day, I will, I will!!!

KT is going to be on Letterman and Regis next week and she's not having a show anywhere and that's upsetting. I registered on her boards to find the truth... how can she not have a show?

I had a really weird dream last night... I was on SNL with honey, we were the hosts and they didn't give us a script and there was no musical guest. They said since we were writers that we should be able to put a routine together... LIVE!! so we started to talk and we were not making anyone laugh. I saw a doll house with all these weird figures in it, so I start imitating all these ppl. and then everyone started to laugh. I started to walk around and I saw Chris Martin and he was with Gwenyth and she looked fat. It was kinda funny. He was all chummy with me. It was weird.

that's all she wrote....


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