Twilight 11.21.08

Monday, August 14, 2006

blah blah blah blog

So this is going to be a short version of the events of last week.

Honey came in on Wednesday and I picked her up after work. Later that night she got a phone call that her good friend Lauren wasn't able to come into the city bc she was very sick (thank goodness she is doing better now). So the next day we headed into the city and had some lunch, headed to the hotel (which Honey treated adn was AWESOME!!!). After a rest from the heat we headed in line for MUSE!!!! It was crazy, I was getting a little sick from the heat. But we adopted this girl Ana, and honey bought her a tcket and I negotiated the deal. Once we got inside I felt much better. We had front row, but with a person in front of us. We were smooshed in like sardines. It was crazy!!! The opener "Cloud room" was AWFUL A-W-F-U-L!!!! Really terrible. I mean COME ON awful!!!

Muse finally came on stage and I became posessed. There is no other word. I, YETTA, moshed!!! I mean I couldn't help it. If I didn't I would have been eaten alive by the crowd. But I was glad to do it. I held onto this poor kid that was in front of me for dear life and kept thanking him. And he was like it's ok, I'm holding onto the guy that was next to him. IT WAS SOOOOO crazy!!! What a great, great, great show!! Definetly one of the best for sure!!! There have been soooo many great shows for different reasons and this was great fun with great music with some really hot men!!!

After the show I had a gift for Tom Kirk, the manager from Muse. bc the last time we met the band it was bc of him and also bc he gave me a set list. I bought him a journal and wrote him a nice card. When I called him over I gave him the journal and I think he thought that it was for one of the guys in the band. So I held onto the journal while he was holding it. I looked right at him and said this isn't for anyone in the band, this is for you. and he looked down and saw that his name was on the card. and was so suprised. He said all the right stuff in his hot british accent. "that was so sweet of you." YUMM!! "Have you written anything in it?" Silly, that's for you hot man!!! "What's your name?" um, yetta. "Yetta" said with all the T's in the hottest british way!!!! Then I took a picture with him and YUMM!!!! Man he's really really really hot!!! SOOOO HOT!!!!

ok, so then we met dom and he's adorable. but doesn't smile.

Chris is a HOT HOT HOT MAN!!! I told him I loved him and we took a cute pic together. Then

Matt came over and I said "i know that I just said this to Chris but I love you too!" and he totally laughed!!! I MADE him laugh!!! MAN HE'S HOT!!!!!

Then at the last min. rochi couldn't go to the dmb show that I had 4 tickets for the second show. so Honey said I should try and trade them for the first night. which I did and it was AWESOME!!!! 14th row center AWESOME!!! and I got a setlist!!! AWESOMER!!!! It was a good show, not one of the best, but we had great seats. bye the bye that was #33 for me.

The next day we got some chinese food and ate it in the car and just were relaxed. which is always good. I was looking forward to getting funnel cake for like 4 or 5 months and they didn't even have it this year!!! It was soooo sad. But then we went to FRONT ROW BABY!!!!!!! I literally skipped to my seat!!!! It was sooooooo awesome and there really is NO PLACE LIKE FRONT ROW!!!!!!! I had to pinch myself to make sure this was happening. David Gray was on and man is he good lookin!! his guitar/piano player HOT HOT HOT!!! they looked really (honey's word) sharp. David sounded really really good. Then the big moment when dave and the boys came out and it was all good in the hood. Butch taylor is hot. I've met him and thought he was always good looking. But seeing him sing alone put him in hot man status. Then I had a moment. They played "Say Goodbye". That's my song people!! I cried through the whole song. It was soooooo good. I feel like I haven't heard that song in 6 or 7 years. I was sooooo happy to hear it!!! and from front row!!! man alive!!! This was also a great, great, great, great show!!! The band had great energy. Boyd was on fire!!! CARTER was freakin incredible. It was so cool being so close bc you could hear them talking and carter laughing. IT was soooo awesome!!! then dave walked over to our side and was literally in front of me and honey and it's so silly bc I have met him 4 times and was in his arms more then twice and he lifted me up on one of those occasions, but I couldn't take a pic when he was right in front of me bc I didn't want to ruin my own view!!!! I got one when he was walking away and one when he was coming closer but not one when he was right on top of us. You will see those soon bc I don't have a scanner.

that show was great, as per the usual I tried to steal stuff from the stage, but there was nothing this time. Except I got to meet Bela Fleck (from Bela Fleck and the Flecktones) so that was cool. I was the only one with a pen and I was like "I'm gonna need that back." and he laughed, but it was my dave pen. I can't give that up. he took a pic with me and that was sweet of him. It was really cool to meet him and really unexpected.

On the way home Honey and I were laughing loudly and there was a lot of traffic. Bc they were doing a random cop stop for drunk ppl. so of course I was pulled over. I'm glad they do it. But they should pick ppl. who drink not us. and def. not a smart ass like me. When they pulled us over, I had all my stuff ready. As everyone know, my license doesn't have a pic, but I carry around the pic one with me (though it's expired) in case they need that as well. This is the conversation:

cop : "License, registration and proof of insurance."
me: "here ya go"
cop: "you have anything to drink tonight?"
me: "No"
cop: "You sure?"
me: "ya."
cop: "Are you forgetting to give me something?"
me: "no."
cop: "are you sure?"
me: "Ya"
Long pause. I point (probably not a good idea)
me: "license, registration and proof of insurance."
cop: "what's in you lap?"
me: "you didn't say you needed this one." But I hand it to him
cop: "where are you going?"
me: "home."
cop: "where is that?"
me: "NJ"
cop: "you're full address please."
me: "said full addy." I get it know
cop: "Date of birth"
me: "said it."
cop: "have a goodnight." handed my stuff back and we drove off. A little bit scary, I don't like the fuzz. Honey asked me if I was ever arrested I laughed so hard at that!!!! I haven't been, really. I swear!!!

the next day was the end of the hoopla. I had a very long week at work. I also had to get a power of attorney over my mother and that was stressful. But it's a good thing. and thank goodness the weekend came not soon enough. I slept and rearranged my room a bit. I did heavy cleaning as well. I read alot of my magazines and found this little interesting thing that I think some might enjoy. Bush singing U2

Thanks to Honey for an AWESOME weekend!!!! Lauren I hope you are feeling better. thanks to our hot men for well, being hot!!! too bad Edge didn't show. But honey just told me that David Bowie was at the Muse show. He was also at that Franz show we were at and the after party that we went to for it. We hang with cool ppl.!!! too bad they don't know we're there.

Until next time!!!


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