Twilight 11.21.08

Friday, August 04, 2006


This is going to be a short blog bc I am exhausted!!! And there will MUCH, MUCH MORE to come. With 2 dmb shows now, some last minute cancellation from a friend, I traded those extra tickets and am now going to Night 1 and Night 2 of Randalls Island. The first night is 19th row in the front middle section!!! and Night 2 if FRONT ROW!! So there will be PLENTY to write about.

I just have to say that Muse is an incredible band!!! I got tossed around last night like a salad, my body is killing, my throat hurts and it's SOOOOO AWESOME!!!! I think that it was one of the most fun times I have ever had at a show and one of the greatest concerts EVER!!! I got a setlist from the guitar tech. We met the band after and took some cute pics with them. I was able to give the journal to the manager, Tom Kirk. He is just AMAZING himself. And hot by the way. The show was amazing. The songs were so great! Matt is so EPIC and theatrical and over the top that it's just great!!! He is so vocal with his hands and his movements. At one point he was spinning around with his giutar in the air and he was still playing some crazy riff. It was nuts!!! there was crowd surfing and someone tried for moshing, but that totally WAS NOT happening. Everyone was jumping up and down and going crazy. We were in the thick of it in the 2nd row on the floor. It was so great. Greats not a good enough word. it was _________ (fill in with a better word then great)!!!

More later, I have to go to sleep!!!


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