Twilight 11.21.08

Thursday, March 08, 2007

shootin the shit

Nothing is really going on at all. But I wanted to post this HOT picture of Damien that I saw on Honey's blog. Bc it really is note worthy. I really can't wait to see him again!!! He really is one of my favorites. I do love that Shane Fitsimmons as well. Even though Damien has a grumpis personality, he has a really wonderful spirit. He certainly makes things more difficult for himself then they need to be. But I think he's a great person. I still can't believe how hot he is in this picture!!!

I wanted to also mention two of the most underrated television shows out there today. The first on is "Brothers and Sisters". It's such a well written show. It's the first role that I don't get irritated by Calista Flockhart. Rob Lowe isn't as annoying as per his usual roles and his hair looks really good. I love Miss Sally Field as the matriarch of this ridiculous family is brilliant. They almost hired Betty Buckley (I think - she was the mom in eight is enough) and I'm so glad they went with Sally Field. Dave Annable who plays the druggy soldier Justin, who is always almost about to cry. He's the sensitive brother and I like that. Matthew Rhys who plays the gay lawyer Kevin. He's so funny and smart. I love the way he says his "L" bc you always hear the hint of his accent, he's from Wales. Those are my favorite family members. The rest of them are good but I love these the best. All the characters have a lot of layering and the dysfunction in the family make you feel normal. I want to be in this family. The other underrated show that I love, love, love is Medium. The relationship that Allison has with her husband you would think that they are really married. They have so much chemistry together. The relationship she has with detective Scanlon is also really great. I just find him completely attractive. And he's sort of British, his dad is british and he was born in England but then moved to Canada. Who knew? Jake webber, Allison's husband is also really attractive and I also like the way he say's his "L" words bc you hear the hint of accent in his voice. This show is also so well written. I was actually scared watching it the other week and nothing scares me. It has great stories and it's a really great premise for a show.

Congrats to Lost for being amazing last night. I think next week is going to be even better. I was slightly attracted to patch man, but I don't know why - he's totally evil.

Thanks to Honey for my AWESOME package that I got yesterday!!! I am re-watching Spooks and I love it!!! i tried to watch the Robin Hood, but I didn't think it was that good. But I'll give it another try another time.

That's it for now


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