Twilight 11.21.08

Friday, November 12, 2004

Shitty weather

There isn't really much going on. I had many weird dreams last night. I was pregnant at one point and it was odd. I was also fighting with Joan (from Arcadia) bc her boyfriend Adam said he was in love with me. It was really weird. Last night I was working at a music show for Jesse Winchester - old folky singer. It was ok, but was talking to the food guy about stuff and we ended up talking almost the whole night and he wanted to know everything about me and the whole thing that happened. He's kinda hot even though he's married and has a kid. (Minor details) anyway, we ended it with that I wanted to go on tour, to be a chef, but I told him that I would do anything if I got to go on tour, but he actually said that he would ask around for me. He owns a restaurant in Englewood (a neighboring, very rich town), so who knows if he knows anyone? I'll see him in a month and we'll see if he actually asked around. But it was nice of him to offer.
Anyway, Shira called and left a message on my machine and said that she has been trying to reach me all week but the phone was busy, bc I was online. So maybe, I'll call her Sat. night. I really haven't been in the mood today to really call anyone.
That's really all, I know it's boring. ER was really sad last night. That's all she wrote.


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