Twilight 11.21.08

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I'm Totally Crushing on Aben

So I went to the Matty Nay concert tonight and I had a really great time. It just makes me realize how I love to be at concerts and how I really love music, and need to be more serious about it. Matt looked hot, but Aben, there's just something about him. I saw John before the show and he really remembered me from that last Irving show and it was so cool of him. Then we talked a bit after the show and then Aben come out and he saw me and grabbed my hand and was like, it's you, it's so cool that you are here again. Then there was a large bombardment of these whorey looking girls and they kind of took his attention away for a few minutes. But then I went over too him and we were talking, he gave me a pic and we were talking about music and Jeff Buckley, and he said that he has the same birthday as Jeff and he grew up in Memphis at the same time. that's a little spooky. But I said to him, "Aben I have a huge crush on you." and he didn't heard the "you" part, and he said "on who?" and made the squeaky voice and said, "on you." and he turned bright red and was smiling huge. It was really cute, and he was like that's so sweet.We took a pic together and I hope it comes out good. And that was basically my night. We were Gavin hunting while we went to starbucks b4 the show, we didn't see them. But Lilly wanted me to tell her the Joey story. I think she was surprised by the whole thing. It really makes me sound like a whore. Eh, what d'ya gonna do? Also, there was a lady there giving out condoms so me and Danny took like 2 hand fulls, and after I was like, what the hell am I gonna do with these? so now I have a huge pile, maybe I'll make some balloons for the cats. That's funny, I'm laughing. I have to go to sleep. Honey for you I will spell check.
My ears are still ringing. I love it. oh ya, Kiefer's hot!


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