Twilight 11.21.08

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

One Hot Mess

I have been waiting all day to say this about someone and finally I was able to. This quote and the Shiznet and one of my fave's from Hon. So I went to work today and then after work, I went to get my eyebrows done and then I decided to get a manny and a pedi (wow, that makes me sound like such a snob). But while I was getting my manicure. This lady walked in and I swear, she was ONE HOT MESS. She looked like she was a washed up vegas show girl. She was like in her late 60's. She was wearing shiny black pants. A shirt with her boobs totally hanging out, and a fur wrap of some sort that was not on her shoulders, she was just wearing it around her back. And oh Lord, her hair. It was higher then anyone should ever wear their hair. She was even looking in the mirror and putting more hairspray in it. It was also long and dyed an awfully fake color. and her eyebrows and the make up, on man. Thank goodness for that phrase, because there was no other way to say it other then she was ONE HOT MESS.
alright miss Honey, that was a really weird but incredibly poinyent dream. You must really feel like you struggled through something and your salvation was Harry Potter. So I used that pic of keifer on my desktop, he's so hot. I hope you had fun at keane. looks like you did, that's an awesome poster and it's awesome that they all signed it and it just looks really good. Also, how come you never write any comments on my posts? I like to read them, but I never have any to read. and you are the only one who actually cares to read my blogger. so leave some sort of message when you do - pulease, with a cherry on top?


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