Twilight 11.21.08

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Not much really going on

I was watching tv today and a commercial came on for that movie with Julianne Moore, The Forgotten, and She is saying, "who would be able to take our family, who would be able to do this?" and I changed the channel at that moment and Richard Karn was on Family Fued and he was saying, "Only I would be able to do that." How fucking weird is that?!?! A lot of weird stuff happens like that. Like when you are talking or thinking about a show you really like and one certain episode and then they show that rerun the next time you watch tv. or when you go to a friends house or your own (if you have cable) and you always switch on to the same movie and it's always at the same part of the movie. Wierd. just plain weird.

So, nothing really happening today. did some surfing on the web and that's really it. still trying to get my bloggerbot, but my computer won't let me get the page to download. I want pictures!!

oh also, honey told me that Brendan and michelle read my blogger, so hey guys. Oh, also Michelle did you ever ask honey about her orange sneakers?


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