Twilight 11.21.08

Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm Pissed....... and here's why

I was watching "the View" this morning, I was kinda excited bc Shoreh Agdlashoo was on, the wonderful actress from 24. I hoped that she was going to talk about Kiefer a little, but nothing. I was ok with that. But here's why I am so pissed. Usually on talk shows when they have a tv guest on they show a clip from the show they are on. They USUALLY show a clip from a previous show or a really quick clip not giving ANY plot away!!!! NOT THIS FUCKING TIME!!! They showed a clip, I believe from tonight's show - and they showed something MAJOR. I was soooooooooooooo pissed. I couldn't enjoy the rest of the interview and I was shocked that they would do that. ARGH!!!! People are so stupid.

My kitties are cute.


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