Harry Potter!

I love the Harry Potter!

This blogger is going to be dedicated to One Mr. Harry Potter!! Now that I have caught up to the series, I feel like a true fan. I have read books 1-5 in 3 weeks. For me that’s a lot of reading. I feel like I am in the “Never Ending Story” rooting for Atrayou and screaming into the book and having all the characters in the book hearing the kid reading it. I am simpatico with Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling is so good, that when Harry was frustrated, I was frustrated. When Harry was upset, I was upset. When Harry was destroying Dumbledore’s Office I was crying for him. These books are sooooo good!!
I can not wait until July 16th to get the next one and it’s going to be a very long wait until the 4th movie comes out on Nov. 18th. It seems that I am always having to wait for the all the good things. Harry, 24, Lost, Harry the movie, there’s more I just can’t think of anymore. I also bought the movies on DVD and I can watch them all the live long day.
The relationship that Harry has with Ron and Hermoine is so well written. When Ron and Harry fought all through book 4 and when they finally made up, and you hear Hermoine crying and saying, “You guys are so stupid!!” then she ran away so they wouldn’t laugh at her, that’s totally how I felt. They each are realizing what their strengths’ and weakness’ are within each other and they are so tight. I love the forming of the DA. I love that Neville is becoming stronger. I love how they all fought against that nasty woman Umbridge and they really have each other’s backs.
This 5th book was far more emotional then I had ever expected. It’s so vivid, there is so much texture and I can see everything and feel everything. It’s amazing to me that this woman (J.K. Rowling) was living in her car and now she’s the 2nd richest person in England, right behind the queen. She is such an amazing writer and I can not wait to see what happens to these characters.
Alright, that’s enough for now. I am looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend with Miss Honey Lapcharoen. We are going to see the Buble and we might see a movie with the Gay Abuser. We’re gonna have fun. It’s going to be to see Honey and get out of the house. It’s her birthday on the 4th of July – ha – She’s Miss Independent!!! You get it? I got her some really good presents and she better like them – you hear me Honey!! Since you are the only one to really read my blog, it’s really more like a long e-mail, isn’t it?
Looking forward to the Dave show – still wishing for better tickets, and come to think of it, I should be getting them soon. My friend called me last night from Israel to tell me that she got engaged after 7 dates with this boy and she’s only known him for 10, yes ppl. count it, 10 days!! I am really happy for her, she’s a great girl.
Alrighty then, just a quick thank you to Honey for posting the squirting of the G. A. on my blogger and for all the pics of me and my men!!