Twilight 11.21.08

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nothing in My Way

So this weekend was really fun. Friday, I went to the city early bc me and Honey decided that we were going to Borders for Keane. We got there early enough for the show to get bracelets but, we did not get to meet the band. We both have met them b4 but really wanted to meet them again. I wanted to take a proper picture with Tom Oliver Chaplin, but it didn't happen this weekend at all. They played 4 songs and they were amazing. The crowd was really pumped and very excited to see them. The stage was so short that it was impossible to see them at all. After they played they were rushed into the store. People were called in 25 at a time. Honey and I were 327 and 328, so we took a seat on this thinga ma jig. But I saw Tom had a set list so I asked the roadie if I could have it and he was like sure. Then I sat with Honey and while we were talking I saw that there was another set list from Richard. So I went over to the same roadie. I said, "I wanted to thank you very much for giving me the set list." And he was like no problem and then I said, "I noticed there was another set list and was wondering if I could have that for my friend." He was like ok, so honey got a set list as well. Then these girls were like, how'd you get him to give that to you. I was like I asked nicely, which is the truth. So the announcer got to our number grouping. They led us into the store. We were weaving into the bookcases. I was getting excited. But then a lady came over and told us to go, bc the band is not going to meeting anyone past 300. I was PISSED!!!! Thank goodness I wasn't 301 bc then I would have gone postal. So we waited for another few minutes until they really kicked us out. They said that they would give us a refund for the cd. But why should we punish Keane for borders idiocy? They should have never said guaranteed signing if it wasn't a for sure thing. The ad should have said the first 300 ppl. It makes me upset thinking about it.

So, after that we headed back downtown to meet up with C Scatter o light herself!!! We got yummy pizza for lunch and talked our heads off. There was a ton of U2 talk. Which was very exciting. The whole afternoon was so great. C told us in great detail her Edge meeting, which was so cool. Then she told us that she touched yer man with her pinky. Then we went to this coffee place and talked some more. I told my meeting Dave for the first time story. I always enjoy that story. It was just a really, really great day. After coffee we headed over to bowery ballroom. There was a lot, I mean a lot of waiting. But it was all worth it. We met this girl Alix, who was really cool. I was getting very impatient and I was mad. When they finally let us into the venue, it was crazy small. I can't even believe how small it was.

I really feel that being at that show and being so close was such an incredible privilege. The venue was so small, that you just knew that this was never going to happen again. They were soaking in the love and we were soaking them in. It was one of the best shows I have ever been to. Tom Oliver Chaplin loved the audience and the attention. Tim Rice Oxley was genius. I think he's a genius, and I also think I love him. He became so much hotter to me. Tim is the brains behind this band and he's just super hot. I have this very clear image in my head from one of my many fantasizings. I am going to be very brave and share it with you all. Ya know what? I can't do it. I'll see after I write it out, if it's too embarrassing, I'm not gonna do it. Back to the concert: Richard was lookin really hot also. At one point during the show, Honey screamed his name and he totally looked at her. Smiled, waved then gave her a double thumbs up. It was really super hot of him. He definitely doesn't get enough love. It's a shame bc he's really talented and he's so pretty. They played almost all the new stuff, except for "broken toy" and "the frog prince." Honey taped pretty much the whole show. I assisted for 2 songs. You can check all that out on her blog. I would have loved to hear "broken toy." The lyrics are so harsh, but the music is so light, that it takes a second to really realize what is being said. Its like: "NO HE DID NOT!!" Tim wrote this song about Tom. Tom has to sing this song back to Tim. It's really messed up. Here are the lyrics:

I think you know
Because it's old news
The people you love are hard to find
So I think if I were in your shoes
I would be kind

I look out for you
Come rain come shine
What good does it do?

I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now

I want to stay another season
See summer upon this sorry land
So don't dust off your gun
Without a reason you understand

I look out for you
Come rain come shine
What good does it do?

I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now

Who says a river can't leave its waters?
Who says you walk in a line?
Who says a city can't change its border?
Who says your mine?

I look out for you
Come rain come shine
What good does it do?

I guess I'm a record you're tired of
I guess we're just older now
I guess I'm a toy that is broken
I guess we're just older now

I wonder how that conversation went after Tim handed that to Tom, and said "I have something for you to sing and it's about you." CRIZAZY!!!! If someone handed that to me and said they wrote it about me and wanted me to sing it, I would have been like fuck you mother fucka. I ain't singin shit! Haahaahaa hee hee, that's funny. Back to the topic at hand: THAT SHOW WAS INCREDIBLE!!

When the show ended Richard came out and gave these 2 girls his drum sticks. Then the roadie threw out set lists, so I reached for it and had my hand wrapped around it and so did one of the girls that had a drum stick. She totally wasn't letting go and hello, I wasn't going to either. So I just said, "you got a fucking drumstick." And she let go. I know it's just a stupid piece of paper, but it's a memento. It's going to always remind me that I was at this tiny hole in the wall show, and it was something special. To some people it may be silly, but not to me.

I love Keane's last album, "Hopes and Fears," but this new album is really amazing. It's so much better than the last album and that last album was great. I am going to make a bold statement right now and here is it. I love "Under the Iron Sea" so much, that I think it's better than "X & Y." Take that Coldplay.

So after the show we waited for them to come out. But they didn't stop. I got to shake hands with Tim and tell him thank you and I think you're amazing. He said thank you then got into the van. I took 2 stalkerazzi pics of them in the van. Then they drove off. It was sad.

The next day I took Honey to Mineola, the land of no street signs. It took about 40 min. to get there and it was pretty easy. On the way home I got lost bc there was no exit back to the parkway. Finally I had to get off at another exit and found it. I almost went the way on the other parkway. I had to pullover and back up on the exit, which was a little scary. But once I was there, I was fine. Then I did some errands and made dinner, then rested for the remainder of the day. I went to pick honey up later that night and she told me all about her day with Donna and her family. She had a really great time and ate some really great food.

The next day we did some errands and went to visit my mom. Then we headed back into the city to visit with Honey's friends, Matt and Jill. Who are the most fun EVER!!! I really like both of them very much. They were both so warm and nice. I felt really comfortable with them. My nose was running the whole day, which was really annoying. I think maybe I have allergies or something. We had pizza in Soho ish, and that was fun. We got coffee and talked. It was really nice. We were going to get together with Rochi but it was too late, so we headed home.

Monday - I did some major food shopping and honey helped me out with the packages. Then we chilled for a little bit and I made dinner for my grandmother. We headed back into the city and met up with c again. We went to a nice Irish bar, called Solas and got prime parking right in front. We had drinks talked music, showed her the pics from Keane and some video. Then we headed to this Thai restaurant around the corner. I never had Thai food b4 and was a little nervous about what to order. But I got this really spice green curry dish with mock chicken. MAN ALIVE it was good. I also got a Guinness, which was very thick and rich. Dinner was really, really good. Then we talked some more. I hope I didn't scare anyone, that's all I'm saying. I had a really, really great night. It was a really great weekend. After dinner, we headed over to visit Shira for a little bit. I saw her ring and it's really pretty. We only stayed for about 10 minutes then went home.

We woke up the crack ass of dawn so I could take Honey back to the city, so I could get to work on time. Man it was early. Tuesday wasn't a great day for me. I really needed some sleep. Wednesday was really good. I took a whole bag of shit I needed to get done to work. Paid all my bills and wrote some needed letters. It was really cathartic.

I have to say that I'm really looking forward to that Muse concert. I do plan on getting there at 3pm. The doors are at 6:30pm. I really don't think that's too early. If we want to be in the front at all we are going to have to get there that early. It's not like we've never done that b4. We'll have fun. I'm also really looking forward to the group of ppl. that are coming. Matt and Jill, C, Lauren (I don't know her, but she sounds fun), Honey and Me!!! It's going to be a blast. The songs drive me insane-crazy!! I can not wait to hear Exo-Politics. I think that's one of my new favorites off this album, that's not out yet. I want to get Tom Kirk, the manager from muse, a present. But what? I don't know?

I think that's all for now. I love the edge as always.

Ya - and the whole fantasy that I was going to write, it's not happening. It's too embarrassing. It was hot though.

This is me and KT Tunstall from the show I went to a few weeks ago at Webster Hall. She's awesome and super talented. I absolutely adore her and her band. They all signed the set list for me that I got and I also got a pick from KT!! I just love her!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I don't really have anything to say: I wanted to share this picture, bc well, he's hot!! Thank you c for sending them along to me.

I am super tired. I can't wait until Honey comes and we get to rock out to Keane all day. At borders then at bowery!!! I really can't wait.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Pictures... Finally!!!

These are the only pictures that blogger will let me show in this blog. So more to come later.

This is the start of the Vertical Horizon Set. I really like this picture of Matt. I had such a great time that day. The weather was perfect, it wasn't too crowded. It was soooo great. And we met them for good measure.

This is Sean. He is the lead singer of Kenin. They are doing a show somewhere in VA or MD, on the 23rd of June. They are going to be doing the entire OK Computer.

This is Sean. He's really into Radiohead. He's also the Bass Player for Vertical Horizon and he downloaded "the eraser." He's very proud that he did that. He was so SUPER nice!!! He's cute. Man I'm pale!!!

This is Keith's pick that literally fell into my open hand.

This is Keith. he's also really cute. He doesn't really look like a rock star.... but I guess it's part of the appeal. He was really, really sweet. He plays guitar for vertical horizon and sometimes sings.

This is Matt Scannell. He's the lead singer of Vertical Horizon and I love him. He's no Edge, but not a bad substitute. Until I do meet Edge.
Just look at the total cuteness of this picture. Do you see how he totally put both arms around me. what a freakin adorable picture!!! I am so glad that I met him!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I honestly don't even know where to start this blog. So much happened last week. It's crazy!!! I know that I waited a long time to post, but blogger was broken there and I couldn't do it. Better late than never.

I ended up seeing Davinci Code with my grandmother. It was really rather good. My grandmother liked it very much, she hadn't read the book and she was able to follow along. I left to honey on Tuesday morning. I listened to "Death Cab for Cutie" in the car and have to say that I didn't really like it. But I gave it a chance. Maybe I'll listen to them some other time and maybe I'll like them. Who knows? When I get to Honey's she immediately hands me my birthday present, which was an I-pod shuffle!!! It was awesome it really was a great gift. And the coolest thing, it has my name on it!!!! How cool is that??!?!? I am listening to it right now, wasting the batteries, bc I can just use my I-tunes, but I don't wanna. I'm blasting Muse's "Super Massive Black Hole"!! It's so cool. I am finally part of the 21st century, go me!!! Thanks honey!! Then we went food shopping in the deadly heat. We re-watched the finale for Lost and talked.

Wednesday I did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING. That was my birthday present to myself. I sat in front of the fan watching my stories. Then Honey had an AMAZING steak dinner. Then after dinner Honey was like I have all these coins that I want to cash in. We had to sit there and count all of them and roll them. It took a good 4 or 5 hours. So I did the organizing. There was a shload of coins. I had a dream that night that I wanted to pay for something and I ended up paying for it all in coins. That's how many coins there were. We were supposed to see Snow Patrol and meet the Gary Lightbody hotness. But something with his stupid vocal cords happened and he postponed the show.

Thursday we took the coins to the bank to cash it in and the cashier was a bit iffy. It was really funny, but money is money. Then we drove to Upper Darby, PA for Radiohead. It was quite a long trip. But it was fun. We talked about everything from Muse, Radiohead, Dave Matthews, The Edge, The Fadyen, the edge, Vertical Horizon, Bono, the edge, Keane and everything else in between. Once we got there I was determined to find free parking and once that was done it was sort of early. We walked around and shopped a bit in all the stores. I ended up buying an outfit, which is so totally random. It was so hot that day. Once I was pooped from the heat, we put our things in the car and listened to a bit of the sound check that was happening, which was so cool and so exciting. then we sat in front of the venue playing with my Barbie cards. I need to teach honey some more card games. We played War, I knew that was going to waste some time. While sitting there, several ppl. asked us if we had an extra ticket. Sadly for them, we obviously did not. Soon they made us all stand in line. I unfortunately did not see the fight that Honey saw. I was in my own little world, and I think my brain was melting bc of the heat. They finally let us in. We headed straight for the merch table and saw that the shirts were a bit blah. So we got pins instead. The pins are cool. Some think that it could be a house, but thinking about the Radiohead website, I think they are arrows and probably mean something cool, that I don't get. But at least I caught on that it is an arrow. That's something. We headed upstairs, and to our surprise the seats we really good. They were regular theater seats as opposed to what we were both thinking that it was going to be folding chairs added on to the last section. Bc on all the seating charts we saw there was NO row LL. Someone needs to update their websites!! It was such a small venue, I was getting nervous, bc I do that. B4 big shows, I always get nervous. I don't know why, I just do. But there was a really strange fog in the air, from something and it was really messing with my head. I was getting a headache. Honey got a drink b4 we sat down and inhaled it. She wasn't feeling so good so I got some water and some pretzels, then I gave her an Imodium. And she was feeling much better. The combination of being in the sun all day and not eating, then drinking too fast made her feel icky. I ate my pretzel and felt better as well. The fog wasn't as annoying. The opening act went on. It was alright, nothing to write home about. Then Radiohead hit the stage and it was freaking INCREDIBLE!!! The screams from the crowd were overwhelming. There were only about 3,000 people there and the roar from the audience made it seem like there were at least 10,000. It was so crazy. For complete set list and video's from the show go to Honey's blog. (but most likely if your at my blog, you have already been to hers'). The whole set up of the stage was so cool and the use of the cameras was so different. Only during the first song did the cameras show Thom's face. It was distorted and felt like puzzle pieces, but it was really cool. Then after that first song, the camera's showed everyone playing their instruments, but didn't show their faces, you could only really see the instrument, which was really cool. You could see Thom's face. Then they played Exit music, that's my favorite song!!! I thought I was going to absolutely loose it and cry into a little puddle. But I kept it together. I didn't want to miss anything of it. The whole crowd was silent through the majority of the song. At one point some guy let out a scream, only bc he couldn't hold it in anymore and then we all followed. We all got ourselves together and the crowd fell silent once again. In unison we all sang the last line together. It was so completely beautiful. I wasn’t expecting Thom to dance around like he did. He kinda looked like Ed Grimly. But it was so much cooler. Their amazing!! I can see why every single band everywhere wants to try and emulate them. I mean EVERY SINGLE BAND!!! That’s crazy to know that these guys change people’s lives. You would never think by looking at them. It’s hard to wrap my brain around the whole thing. I don't even know what to say about how amazing the show was. They are truly one of the most amazing bands in the world and to think we met some of them is NUTS!!! I know that I was so completely lucky to be there. I can't thank honey enough for getting us the tickets.

After the show we rushed out to try and see what the situation was. There were a lot of barricades and security standing around with their angry faces. But we stood there anyway. I tried to explain to them that I had to get through bc my car was parked at the end of the block. Which it was, I wasn’t lying. They said that we would have to go all the way around. With a little more complaining (from me and honey) the big, scary security guard pointed to me and honey and 2 other girls, and said “1, 2, 3, and 4. You guys can go through.” My eyes went wide and I just headed straight through. Once through the barrier I was like WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!? I was in disbelief. We sat on the curb and I told honey that this could actually HAPPEN!!! I was in shock. After a bit of waiting they put up more barriers and told us to all move there. Then after that some British guy (probably the manager or tour manager) came out and explained to us some of the rules. Which go something like this: If Thom sees one flash go off he’s going to leave. The rest of the band do not mind their picture being taken, but Thom does. With that he was gone. Some fan also reminded us that if he sees one camera go off that it will ruin it for the rest of us. And then he’s going to kick their ass. Soon after that Phil came out… who by the way is HOT!! Crazy right? Well, he got right into his van and left. It started to drizzle at that point. It’s all right. A little rain never killed anyone. I think I spoke to soon. It started to pour, there was lightening and thunder. It was crazy. We were all drenched from head to toe. Nothing was dry. Honey was wanting to go. I was like WE ARE NOT QUITTERS!!! So I was like I’ll go get the umbrellas. I swam to the car and swam back with 2 umbrellas. Honey and I and some strangers all huddled under them to keep from getting any wetter. It was getting cold. Honey and I made a pact about what time we were going to leave. The pact was 2am. It was reaching 12:15am and honey wanted to leave. I was thinking why would we go? We may NEVER EVER have this chance again. I AM NOT LEAVING!!! The security guards were all making fun of us and it was kinda fun. Colin came out at some point and sort of ignored us and left. Ed apparently came out and I totally missed it bc he was all hooded and in incognito. After some more waiting, around 1:15am ish (I think) Jonny and Thom both came out. We thought they would both head right for the vans. Jonny came to our side and signed people’s cd covers. He was trying to hide his face with his hair. I remember he looked at me at one point and I think I said thank you and I love you. Who knows if it was audible? I kept my eyes a bit to my left bc Thom was standing there telling us that we were all mad for standing there in the rain. Then Thom came over. Honey reached out and held his hand. I couldn’t reach. But he looked at me and I said I love you. Then it was all over. As soon as Thom and Jonny were in the van we all watched them drive away with the same satisfied smile of “IT WAS ALL SO WORTH IT!!!”

When we got back to the car it was freezing. We had the heat on. It was still pouring when we drove home and I drove really slowly. We talked about all things music again and talked about what musical collaborations we would like to see. So I said the usual Dave and Edge. (Even though that happened sort of). Then I said “If Matt Bellamy and Thom Yorke ever collaborated on anything they would burn a (super massive black) hole through the earth.” Honey burst out laughing. But it’s true. It was disgusting how gross I felt. We finally got home at 4am. I couldn’t believe at the events that had happened that night. I couldn’t fall asleep until 6am. I was so super over tired. I couldn’t fall asleep.

Friday we did nothing really. We slept late, went to the mall in VA and went to a cool new jewelry store called "Leila Rowe" and Honey bought me a beautiful new ring, which is so pretty, then we went to cheesecake and honey's mom treated us to dinner. I ate too much, as per the usual. On the way to meet up with Honey’s mom, we were in the car with April (Honey’s sister) and Patrick (April’s boyfriend) listening to the radio. They had some sort of add for this free concert in Crystal City with VERTICAL HORIZON!!!! I freaked out. Kenin was opening for them and it was going to be TOTALLY FREE!!!! Honey looked at me like HELLO!!! And it took a minute but I decided to stay an extra day!!! It was crazy bc we were just talking about them. Can you believe that? Then we went home and worked on a puzzle that Honey bought with a kitty on it. We also watched “lost” and talked about music.

Saturday we lounged around, went to Starbucks, sears, target and I got one of my favorite new funny movies "just friends.” Honey made awesome chicken, and I ate ALL of it. It was so freakin’ good. I called the 9:30 club about the snow patrol concert bc we can’t go and we wanted our tickets but they are will call, so Honey thought that we wouldn’t be able to get them and then it would have been a complete loss of tickets, music and money. But I called and they said we could pick them up. So after dinner we went to 9:30 club to pick up the tickets. When we got home we finished the puzzle that honey bought at the supermarket. It took us a really long time to finish it. I had to finish though, even though it was 5am.

Sunday was beautiful. We drove through DC to get to VA. There was free parking and did I mention it was so gorgeous outside. Honey got some Starbucks. As we are walking towards the music, Honey who isn’t so familiar with Vertical Horizon was like oh is this them? And I was like “HELLO?!?!” I began singing along!!! The opening band was singing RADIOHEAD!!! Honey and I were both shocked!!! We listened to the rest of Kenin’s set and decided that we needed to talk to them after. We went behind the stage and Honey bought a cd and had it signed. We ended up talking to all the guys for like 45 min. it was so random. But they were all so incredibly nice. Nobody was making us leave so we didn’t. We found out a lot about them. Read Honey’s blog on all the info. The one cool story was that the lead singer Sean saw Honey’s tattoo. He asked if there was a story. She said that it was for U2. He was like cool. We mentioned something about wanting to meet U2 and he said that he bets that when we meet BONO he will KISS HONEY’S TATTOO!!!! I really almost fell over. I grabbed Sean and I freaked out. I was like OH MY G-D!!! WE SAY THAT ALL THE TIME!!!! I really couldn’t believe!! It was too funny. I still laugh about it in my head…

We decided that it was time to get a spot for the Vertical Horizon without really trying we ended up having front row. It was so cool. They were SOOO amazing live. We were really close to the speakers so not all the lyrics were so clear, but it was ok for me bc I knew all of them. It was not ok for the recording that Honey was doing, but you can still see that they are soooo good. At one point the lead singer Matt Scannell looked at me and smiled. I was in HEAVEN. He’s such a hot man. Man really hot!!! Keith the lead guitarist and sometime singer threw out his picks to the crowd and I literally opened my hand and a pick fell into it. I didn’t have to exert myself at all. I’m not even sure my hand was opened to get a pick. It just sort of appeared. It was really weird.

After the amazing show I was DETERMINED to meet all of them. We rushed behind the stage again and Matt was being pulled in 10 different directions. He saw someone he knew and they were talking. I went around the other. Some lady (either from the radio station or something) was trying to push me out of the way. I wasn’t budging. Honey gave me a look of maybe we should go. I was thinking FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I am staying put. If we can meet THOM FUCKING YORKE, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!! Finally Matt turned to face me and I quickly said to him that “I have loved him for such a long time and I have never been able to see them live. And I was so thankful and happy that today was finally my day. And I think you’re amazing.” He said thank you. I quickly asked if we could take a picture and he said sure. I couldn’t help myself and I wrapped my arms around him and he did them same. NICE!!!! It really is adorable!!! If I can say so myself. Then I quickly snuck Honey into taking a pic. I think like maybe 2 other people got a pic and that was it. Then we went to talk to the other members and they were so incredibly nice!!! We went and talked to Sean the bass player and he was such a sweet heart. We only got a picture with him, but he was so nice. Then we talked to bailey to new drummer and he was also really sweet. Then we were like let’s look for Keith and he finally came out, but I think he was looking for Sean who was still talking to fans. We took a picture with him and I asked him for a pick for honey and he gave me his last pick and a pick from another band. He was so sweet. I was able to tell him all the same things that I told Matt and come to think of it everyone else. Then we went back to Sean and I had to quickly tell him how awesome he is. He stayed and signed everything, talked to everyone and took pictures with everyone and how cool it was of him. He said thanks and it’s all about gratitude. (Yes it is!!) I told him that I wasn’t even supposed to be here for this that I came in to town for Radiohead in PA and he was like I heard that they were playing there. Then we ended up talking about Radiohead and how he downloaded the new Thom Yorke Cd “the eraser” and I was like so did HONEY!!! And he asked where she got hers and she said the internet and he said me too. It was like a full circle moment. It was such a great day!!! We saw a great band that I love for free, and MET them!!! Can u believe it?!?!? What a great day!!! I know I keep saying that but it really was.

It was a pretty quick drive home. I had a lot to do when I got home and I went to visit my mom. Got a bunch of errands done with. Tuesday I didn’t do much, though when I was on the computer doing nothing. I looked on the Warehouse, DMB official fan site, and I was checking to see if they had posted my seating locations for Randall’s Island. I thought it was too soon bc I hadn’t gotten an e-mail or anything. But I wanted to check anyway. When I got to the ticket status page I saw a button to click on view seat location. So I did. LOW AND BEHOLD I HAVE FRONT ROW SEATS TO DAVE!!!! YOU HEARD ME, FRONT ROW SEATS!!!! Section 103 ROW G-D DAMN A!!!!! I called the warehouse to make sure that it was front row seats and THEY WERE!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!! I called honey and I was totally freaking out. I was shaking and crying a little bit. FRONT ROW TO DMB!!! WOOOHOOOO!! I thought we lucked out when we got the section 100 Row H. Those are great seats and now I have these FRONT ROW tickets!!! HOW CRAZY?!?!

I’m so totally exhausted… what a great end to a great week, and a great vacation. I need to lie down now. More hoopla to come. I will post all cool pics in another blog bc blogger won't let me post any pics for the time being.

Let me say a big Mazal Tov to Shira, one of my favorite ppl. in the world. She's like my little sister in many ways and I love her!!!