Twilight 11.21.08

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kookie Karma

Alright, I am ready for details about this crizazy weekend. My drive down to Honey was really very uneventful. I left very early bc we were going to the early show at the 9:30 club in DC to see Matt Nathanson… or as I refer to him MattyNay. Ingrid Michaelson and Melee opened for him. Ingrid wasn’t great and Melee was only a little bit better. Honey liked them but I wasn’t into them at all. Patrick and April met us there. Which was nice, I haven’t seen them in quite a while. Matt came out on stage and looked as adorable as he ever has. I miss him already. He was amazing. The only thing that was annoying was that he kept having to stop to tune his guitar. I understand that he wants to save money were he can, especially bc he is with a new small record label but it very distracting that he has to have it EXACTLY right in tune. I think maybe it’s time to get more guitars or higher a guitar tech. But it really isn’t such a big issue bc he’s just so darn cute. He played a lot of the new stuff that I love. After the show we were waiting amoungst the late show WallFlower fans. Thank goodness for Patrick’s sharp eye bc otherwise we would have missed MattyNay. Patrick saw him get into the waiting van, but the rest of the band didn’t even see him, so he was sitting there waiting. I went right over to the van deciding whether to knock or not, but mid knock MattyNay turned and saw me. I gave an innocent wave and he was surprised that someone was waiting for him. He opened the doors right away and I gave my “GET THE HELL OVER HERE NOW!!” wave that Patrick was NOT understanding. So when he opened the door no one was there and “Pooh Pooh” Came out of my mouth. MattyNay hugged me and said “Hey! It’s so great to see you. Thanks for coming to the show.” Finally Patrick, April and Honey came over and everyone hugged MattyNay. Honey had a few presents for him and he gave her an extra hug… LUCKY!!! It was really hot, bc he pulled her into his arms by putting his hand on the back of her head. It was good stuff Mary Sue!! We were able to take a picture with him all together bc he was running late. You could tell he wanted to get out of there. We talked about MSG and he said that it was amazing to play there. And that was really pretty much it. It was so short but at least it was…

We got home at 10:30pm, which was awesome bc I was soooo tired. I didn’t get much sleep at all the night before watching “Soldiers Girl” and the rest of my TV. We ate an awesome kick ass sandwich and talked about the Shnay. I slept for 10hrs that night and it was great. I was so well rested for our trip to Baltimore. I have just a quick note about “Soldiers Girl” with Lee Pace. Lee Pace plays a transgender entertainer who falls in love with a soldier at a military base. It’s based on a true story and is really devastating. Lee Pace was amazing in this. He really was so believably as a woman. It really messed with your head that he was making out with a guy.

The next day we were able to go to Target, Kohls and Staples. We headed to Baltimore and it was a really easy drive. We had dinner by the bay. I love the water and eating by the water. It’s really very relaxing. Before we headed to “Sonar” to see Mute Math this homeless man asked us for money and when we said no he said, “Bitches”. Which Honey and I shook our heads and said “ya, pretty much.” Then not less then 10 feet another homeless person harassed us. It was very weird. But Honey said now that we have that out of the way we are going to have a great night and she was right.

Once on line to the club the security guy came around checking IDs. When he came around to us he was saying that his sugar was low, so I remembered that I had some cookies in my bag. “I have a cookie.” He couldn’t believe it and I gave him one. Then he asked if I had some milk. “Don’t think so. Sorry.” He was so appreciative and every time he saw me that night he thanked me for the cookie. I became the “cookie dude.” In the venue which was dank, dark and had a small stage Honey and I leaned against some pillars near the back. Eisley opened for Mute Math and I was thoroughly bored. Finally Mute Math came out and they freakin blew me away. They are known for there live shows and I see why. It was amazing. Paul Meany (lead singer) was flipping all around the stage and over his instruments. He plays a mean Keytar. And at one point he went into the audience and let the fans play the keytar. Then went back to the stage and the keytar made it’s way around the front of the audience then back to Paul. It was insane. Next time we are so in the front!!! The drummer was crazy also (Darren King). He was really phenomenal. They just turned the place inside out.

After the show we headed to the bathroom. Then I realized that maybe I should steal something from the stage as I always do. The last set list went to the kid next to me. Then there was a drumstick that I totally tug of wared with the same kid and I won (of course). I shamed him into letting go. Being that he got a set list and I didn’t and no I did not want to trade!! I made my way to Honey with my prize and she was shocked that the kid didn’t get punched!! It was too much. I saw the security guy that I gave a cookie to. I triumphantly said, “Look!! I got a drumstick!!” He looked proud and said, “It’s bc you gave me a cookie. It’s Cookie Karma!!” Honey and I both laughed bc we were both thinking the same thing.

When we were outside I saw Paul Meany across the street and ran over to him, I asked if he could sign the cd and he said that he was going to come out and sign and do whatever soon. So I asked (nicely!!) how long he was going to be bc we needed to get home. And he was so nice and said that he would be 2 minutes he just wanted to dry off. It really was a short wait. When it was our turn to meet him he remembered me from a few minutes ago and was so sweet. He took pics with both Honey and me, really everyone. He introduced himself to everyone and got everyone’s names. It was so cool of him. There was a van full of church kids (they used to be a Christian band) and he stuck his head into the van to say hello. It was so cute. Did I mention that he has excellent hair!!?? Bc he really has excellent hair. I even told him that he has excellent hair.

Once we were home I was in a really weird mood pointing out every single thing that was annoying or different about everything on TV. “She’s ugly, the direction of the camera is different, look at his pants, she almost naked, he needs a haircut, his acting is awful, why didn’t they just make her British?!?!” Finally I started laughing bc I realized how annoying I was being. The sleep came and all was good.

The next day we went to see “Across the Universe” with the hotness of Jim Sturgis. Who reminds me so much of a young Henry Thomas. Sturgis has a band and I look forward to stalking him a bit. Bono was in the movie and was completely ridiculous. But the rest of the movie was rather good. Weird at some parts but I would give it a B-. We hung out at Starbucks and talked and wrote some stuff; Then dinner (sushi) and off to the next concert. The normal drive to 9:30 club usually takes 20 minutes. This night it took over an hour. There was some sort of Homecoming for Howard University, which caused horrendous traffic. We would have gotten there quicker if we walked. Mid car ride I started to not feel well at all. Finally when we got there we were able to get close parking, but I had Honey go in b4 me. I think I will just skip to seeing Nathan and his girlfriend, Sara. It was nice to see him. He’s very nice. Nathan is over 6 feet tall and we stood in the front so the Stars totally saw Nathan the whole time. It was an amazing show. I don’t know their stuff as well as everyone else, but it didn’t take away from the show at all. They were all amazing. They were fun and jubilant. They make you feel like you are part of their family when they are on stage. Torquil came out for one song and wore a jacket covered in lights. It was very cool, very Bono.

After the show Nathan got a set list bc he’s taller then everybody and he caught it when it was thrown. Everyone was screaming out, “I want, I want, I want.” I saw a kid that had the last Set List, somehow I made eye contact with him. And said “please can I have the set list.” He looked right back at me and pointed and said yes. Everyone was trying to grab the set list but he made sure he directly handed it to me. We said goodbye to Nathan and Sara. Honey and I decided to stay only for a bit bc the bus was right on the side. We were sitting and waiting. I saw the guitarist and had him sign my set list. Then after a bit I saw the kid who handed me the set list. As he passed me to get onto the bus, I called, “Thanks again for my set list.” He pointed at me and said, “wait there 2 minutes!” Honey was like, “what was that about?” and I thought well maybe he’s going to bring me something, a drumstick, or a guitar (ya right!!). When he came out of the bus he said, “come with me.” Honey was up b4 I was. I didn’t understand what was happening. I was almost jogging behind him and he turned back and had a huge grin on his face. It dawned on me what might be happening so I caught up to him and linked arms with his. “Are you taking us to meet the band?” Grinning even more he said, “Yup!!” I tried to look back at Honey but I knew that I would lose it if I really caught eyes with her. He led us to the back of the club, through a door, up some stairs, then poof we were in THE BANDS DRESSING ROOM!!! I was shaking. I could not believe what was happening. Owen was the “kids” name, who turned out to be the bands tour manager!!! He took me right over to Torquil and it was like I was meant to be in the dressing room, liked I belonged there. I told Torquil that I loved him in SVU and he told me that he made Marishka cry in that scene. Honey came over and we all started talking. It was amazing. We got our pictures with everyone separately and then Owen took a picture of the guys in the band on the couch. OMG!! I was totally freaking out the whole time. Silently talking to Honey with our eyes and smiles!! We were both beside ourselves. We hung out with them for over an hour. We could have stayed until 3am (when their bus was leaving) but we didn’t want to overstay our welcome. I asked Amy if I could steal a champagne bottle and she said of course and quickly emptied it for me. We were offered refreshments and other assorted things that we shall not really mention. When Amy offered I said we don’t do that and she said “good!” and proceeded to suck the “apple refreshment.” I was on the couch with Evan talking about stuff and it was crazy. When were saying goodbye it was like they almost didn’t want us to leave. I hugged Owen and thanked him so much. I went to Amy to thank her and re-tell her that she’s awesome. Then I said goodbye to Torquil and he kissed my cheek. Then I went over to Evan who was sitting on the other couch. He was going to shake my hand, and I said, “No, no. You need to stand up and give me a hug.” He smiled and said, “alright since you are the only one who knows my name.” Then gave me a hug. The whole night was ridiculous!!! I couldn’t believe that it all happened. I’m still in shock. When we left we totally screamed on the way down the stairs!! They are some of the nicest people in the whole world. They are so down to earth and normal. I love them for having us and I can’t wait to see them again.

I was really not feeling well the next day so I didn’t go home. We just bummed around, got my pictures developed and watched a movie. That was pretty much my weekend.

Breaking news: Hugh Laurie wears a rug on the show!!! Who knew!!?? And though I am sure everyone knows: Dumbledore is gay!! Can you believe that?? I always wanted him to be with McGonagoll.

I have really become obsessed with Facebook. I love all the superpokes. You can throw cows at people and that’s just funny.

In other news: Dave Matthews’ label, ATO Records, are in talks with Radiohead to become their American label so they can distribute music here. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE??? I mean Dave must be shitting his pants. I really hope this happens for both of them. Dave once wrote an article for “Rolling Stone” about Radiohead. He said that they made him feel sick with jealousy bc they are so good and he isn’t. I was in shock. I had no idea that Dave loved Radiohead like that. So for his sake I really hope this works out for him.

TV update – I am no longer watching Bionic Woman. Congrats to Pushing Daisies for being picked up for a full season. Sorry to Viva Laughlin after only 2 episodes the show has been canceled. I am interested to see when, how and who they are going to bring to the remake of Life on Mars.

Thanks to Honey for an awesome weekend. I can’t believe that we were in Stars dressing room. CRIZAZY!! Owen where ever you are thank you for being awesome and recognizing real fans!!!

Arwen hiding from the gas company guy. She stuffed herself in blanket and poked her head out. She is such a sweet girl.

Until next time…….

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I can't even comprehend what happened last night. I am really tired and have to drive home today... But I had to get it out there into the world. Honey and I ended up in the dressing room of the 9:30 Club in DC with STARS!!!! It was crazy... we were totally hanging out with them for more than an hour. It was nuts. I will have more later with pics...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

TV Round Up

I wanted to give some TV shows more than one showing BC I figured that some would get better. Some shows I gave up on right away and the rest are really great. I want to say that the resounding theme for this TV year is that there is a major British Invasion. It really seems to be a growing trend that Hugh Lurie (House) has started and probably does the best. I am glad the networks have been open to hiring British people BC they are awesome and Hot. I could say something really convoluted and "smart" but I figure why waste the words when I want to say "their just HOT!!"

I will start off with something I learned from Entertainment Weekly. I am actually surprised that they haven’t made the comparisons yet.

Chuck and Reaper are almost the same show if you look closely. The truth is you don’t even have to look that closely. The camp on each show is a part of the charm. They both have goofy, funny best friends. Just one is skinny and one is fat. Both work for low-level sales people who have managers that want them to do better by being assistant managers. Chuck while have a Stanford education is directionless and doesn’t really mind. While Sam has no higher education claiming that “college made him sleepy”, he is the true meaning of a slacker. Chuck lives with his doting sister and “captain awesome” who only push him to find a girl.
Sam lives with his doting parents who push him to do nothing. Both work for chain stores, one in electronics and the other in an all-purpose store. They both have the DEVIL as the boss. While Chuck works for the government, Sam works for the ACTUAL devil. Both have hot girls on the show that are only interested in the leads as friends (maybe). The lead actors on both shows (Chuck – Zachary Levi & Reaper – Bret Harrison) are undeniably charming in a geeky sort of way. The final grade is Chuck gets a solid B while Reaper is easily an A-. Reaper makes me laugh out loud several times during the show and that’s what I am looking for in a show that is campy and fun.

Journeymen – This show has a lot of holes in it. I won’t deny that. But it is still soooo good. There are rumors that maybe it would be canceled and that would be a shame BC is it better then other shows, i.e. Bionic Woman. Kevin Mckidd, Scottish import, plays for all intensive purposes a time traveler. We have no idea why this is happening but he has to go back into time and save people. It’s a very interesting concept. It’s little part Quantum Leap, Dr. Who with no TARDIS, and Back to the Future. It seems like it is also somewhat like the book "The Time Traveler's Wife" which I just started reading today. Give this show time to meld together, flush out some of the characters and it could be a very long running opportunity for NBC. Final Grade = -B

Pushing Daisies – This could very easily be the best new show on TV right now. Lee Pace (who I have loved ever since Wonderfalls) is so quirky and cute in this show as a pie maker that brings the dead back to life. He is very hard to resist. Chuck, played by Anna Friel, (Life Partner of David Thewlis; which is a connection to Harry Potter) is British in real life but you would never know because her American accent is so good. She is sweet and adorable and compliments Lee Pace very well. The colors and clothing are so bright and retro that is reminds me at times of “Edward Scissorhands.” It’s also a big plus that they have Jim Dale doing the narration (Dale does the “Harry Potter” books on tape). Chi McBride and Kristen Chenoweth are also very cute and funny playing their supporting characters at perfect pitch. Final Grade = -A

Dirty Sexy Money – I was surprised how good this show actually is. It is about a too rich family, The Darlings. They are everything that is wrong in the society in which we live. They have the morals of, I don’t even know what. But it’s hard to turn away. To the priest that has a wife, daughters and an illegitimate son, to the politician who is in love with a transsexual and to the twins who are just living off the families money makes you feel that you are really watching something that we see on "Access Hollywood" everyday. It feels weird that you find yourself rooting for the family to have things work out at the end, even if they have to literally pay for it. Final Grade = -A

Life – Damien Lewis another British import plays a Zen detective who was put in jail for 12 years for wrongly being convicted to murder. Now free he wants to find out who framed him. Detective Crews now living off the settlement that the state agreed to for putting him in jail for something he didn’t do. He works for the same department and solves crime while looking for clues to see who really committed the crime that put him in jail. In between all the crime solving and clue finding he also has time to frequently pull over his ex-wife’s new husband and eats tons of fruit. Trying to live a very Zen life he doesn’t want to be attached to “things” but finds himself often attached to fast cars. Damien Lewis looks amazing in the show with nice suits and form fitting bulletproof vests. Even though his character wakes up to a different woman everyday he is still charming. The supporting cast is exactly that. The show does not focus too much on them except for a drinking problem that his new partner has. Final Grade = B+

Private Practice – All is have to say is PAUL ADELSTEIN!!!! He is amazingly cute. I can’t take it. Kate Walsh feels like Meredith (From Grey’s) with her quippy phrases and her feelings of “missing magic”. I think she needs to detox herself from Seattle Grace so she can find her spot in LA. There is a lot of chemistry between Kate Walsh and Tim Daly. Amy Brenneman as a stalking therapist is something I think we can all relate to. Paul Adelstein as the over sexed pediatrician is perfect. Why they always make pediatricians over sexed is beyond me, if you remember Doug (George Clooney) on ER, he was another over sexed pediatrician. It’s like they are supposed to balance each other out so you don’t hate them completely. Even though they are having sex with anything in a skirt, they are really good with kids and that makes is better somehow… I guess it works because I absolutely love Paul Adelstein in this role. I also really like Audra McDonald as the replaced cast member. Let us not forget the hotness of Taye Diggs. When he smiles my mind gets mushy. I think this show will do well and I look forward to Wednesday to see some Paul Adelstein being adorable. Final Grade = B+

Bionic Woman – Truth time… this show is not great. If it were up to me I would do something quick before it becomes a money pit. Yet another import from England, Michelle Ryan, one would think it might be better. It's slow moving and is not cohesive. The action sequences are fun but the story falls flat. It got a little better with Isaiah Washington joining the cast but not that much better. This show could be great. With the supporting cast I feel that they just needed to dump these actors somewhere BC their previous shows were finished and didn’t know what else to do with them. Which is a shame BC some of them are good actors. I will probably watch a bit more but my patients is waning. Final Grade = -C

Carpoolers – I watched the first one and didn’t laugh once. The weird son of one of the carpoolers, played by TJ Miller, was the only interesting part of the show because he is so weird. But I think I have given up on the show and I don’t expect it to last long. Final Grade = D

Back To You – I watched the first one and laughed. Once. I have given up on this show and have no interest anymore. Final Grade = -D

Heroes – This is still a great show. I like that it is turning a bit into Lost with all the different theories. At times it's funny, sweet and mostly Kick ASS!! Milo Ventimilgia not wearing a shirt is also always a plus. Having EX – Sark, AKA David Anders on the show was a stroke of hot brilliance. (He’s the opposite; playing a Brit when really he’s from the Midwest!! LOVE IT). I like all the new character’s thus far and I have no complaints about this show at all. Keep rockin’ Heroes, I can’t wait to see what happens. Final Grade = A

The Bachelor – So far, so good. I know I am a huge sap for watching this show still. But I like it and I can’t help it. I am sure that no one else care about this show, so I won’t get into it, but the bachelor this year is actually good looking and seems to have good taste. Final Grade = -B

House – The pioneer of British playing an American. He is brilliant, both Dr. Gregory House and Hugh Laurie. I love the first episode when his guitar was taken hostage. House is looking for a new team this year since his old team no longer works for him. I like that he has them all competing against each other. House is running with this idea and it’s quite fun to watch. Final Grade = A

Brothers and Sisters – I love this show. Every time it’s on I always say, “I could watch 4 hours of this show. I wish it was on for a longer time.” Every single character is full, strong and real. Watching them together you feel that they are really family. They bicker back and forth, fight together against anyone who tries to hurt them and incredibly love each other. I cry with them, laugh with them and feel for them. Ron Rifkin is the sweetest man and best uncle in the world. It's a far cry from his Alias role as evil Arvin Sloan. Don’t get me started on the hotness of Matthew Reiss crying (another hot British man playing an American), David Annable crying, and Rob Lowe fitting in nicely with the show. I was happy that Sally Field won the Emmy she well deserved it. This is a great show that everyone should watch. Final Grade = A

How I Met Your Mother – Neil Patrick Harris is brilliant as the womanizing businessman (maybe he’s an attorney – he’s rich but no one knows what he does). This show is smart and funny. Like “Will and Grace” the supporting cast out shines the leads. You can tell that they are all friends and they really have a good time together which makes it fun for the viewer. Good times. Final Grade = -A

NCIS - I only really started watching this show in the summer and now I am hooked. Mark Harmon is really good. It’s sort of another CSI but not. There really isn’t anything else to watch on Tuesdays at 8pm so I recommend this show. Final Grade = -A

Criminal Minds – Again I didn’t start watching this until the summer and found myself hooked. I am probably the only one in the world, but I really like Mandy Patenkin. I am sad to see him go, but what are you gonna do? The rest of the cast is really strong and the stories are very good. They can be graphic but they are always interesting. It’s up against Private Practice and Bionic Woman which might win the time slot, but I have to say that it’s kind of a better show then both of these shows (and I like Private Practice). Final Grade = A

Ugly Betty – Love this show. Love America Ferrera. Love the camp. I just love this show. Is there really anything else to say? I think not!! Just Watch!! Final Grade = -A

SmallvilleLex is still hot and that is worth watching. But I really hate Lois. I can’t stand that actress and the character. I love Chloe and wish somehow she had a bigger role. Clark is meh and I don’t know how I feel about having his cousin arriving, unless she turns into “super girl” and that would be cool. Lana is back from China and we’ll see how that goes. As the season goes on the better it gets. Final Grade = B

Grey’s Anatomy – Oy this show. It’s at a weird point. Last season ended dark and awkward. It’s slowly moving back to normal. I don’t know how I feel about the new people. I will continue to watch and look forward to picking up it’s pace again. As always the medical stories are very good. Final Grade = -A

ER – I have to admit that I haven’t been watching steadily, but the prospect of Scott Grimes crying makes me want to tune in this week. Other than that I don’t really have any interest in the characters or the story. Final Grade = C+

CSI – I still like this show a lot. My only complaint is that I wish they would have killed off Sara. I can’t stand Jorga Fox. But I am happy that she won’t be on the show anymore as her character has switched shifts. No complaints other then that. They are still going strong and will for a long time. Final Grade = -A

Survivor – I don’t watch this show anymore. Something had to go and this was the weakest link. Final Grade = C (I have to give it something).

This is from my day out with Miriam when we saw Harry Potter and Spring Awakening. I was walking down the street and poor unsuspecting "Bianca" from "All My Children" was walking the other way talking on her cell phone. She got off the phone and she took the picture with me. She briefly told me that she is getting married but plans on returning to AMC, she never really left she just takes time off. I was very excited!!!

This is Shane and Me after the Damien Rice show at the WAMU Theater in MSG. He's great. I wish we were able to hang out longer but what are you gonna do. Look at the cuteness.

This is Brendan Buckley. Drummer extraordinaire. He was filling in for TomO (Tom Osander) who is the regular drummer for Damien Rice but was at the moment helping Lisa Hannigan (who's dating The Lighbody) with her new album!! AWESOME! Anyway, Brendan was amazing. I hate to say it bc TomO is my third favorite drummer of all time (after Carter Beauford DMB and Dom from Muse), but Brendan was so amazing that I barely missed TomO. Even Shane looked impressed during the show.

Well , well, well... The "sensitive" Damien Rice. I am so mean to him and I am not sure why. He's really nice in person. But I won't go into it BC I always go into it. But there he is NOT looking homeless. I have to say his hair is great. Nice jacket. Funky Orange chords. It's all good. Why he was wearing a ratty old baha from 1970 and torn chords after the show? It's beyond me. This is the potential he could have ALL the time... but what are you gonna do?

I am so proud that I caught this moment with my camera. I saw it coming and instead of the usual gawk of amazement I took a picture instead. This was from The Frames concert at Webster Hall. Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansard. She sang a few songs with Glen from their movie "Once" and then joined the band to sing 2 songs or one song. I can't remember. But look how cute they are!!! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! It's too much. At one point Glen leaned over when she was at the piano and kissed her. Right. On. The. Lips!! I freaked out. I think Honey was also a smidge beside herself. It was a really sweet moment. Look at this picture I found from a show (sort of) that they did in Derry promoting the movie. I mean really there is nothing cuter.

Ya see how good he looks? Damien needs to take some lessons in fashion from his Irish friend over here. This is the way to dress. Perfect jeans with the right belt, good shirt and a nice casual jacket.
This was a good show but Honey and I both agreed that the show from Town Hall was better. We went with Cara and met up with Ian (our irish friend from Damien Rice show). It was a nice day.

And finally a touch of adorableness. This is Kayla. I am her Auntie Hoppa - why I don't know but I am. She is Miriam's daughter and pretty much my neice. She really says the cutest things. She was drinking a cup of water and took a huge sip. After wiping her lips she said very matter of factly, "That was good coffee. Don't you think so Mommy?" She's 3 1/2 going on 16.

Also on a last note: I didn't think that there could be a worse movie then Alexander, but alas I have found a movie worse then that. I hate saying so BC it has Cate Blanchett and I love her. But "The Good German" is G-D awful!!! I mean really awful. It was painful to watch.

I also saw "The Last King of Scotland" and that was most excellent. James McAvoy was amazing. As was Forrest Witiker. It was slighlty disturbing at points that made it hard to watch. Overall it was a very well done movie. I'm not sure why James McAvoy wasn't nominated for an Oscar BC he would have won. But I am not an Oscar voter.

That 's all for now. Enjoy watching good tv.