A Long Time Coming

I went to see Honey about a month ago. It was nice to be there and it was a really relaxing trip. Thank G-D no flat tires on the way there or the way home, I did have an anxiety dream that I did get one and that there was something wrong with the car. All was fine though. Keane was supposed to happen the Thursday after, and Honey was going to come home with me. But as we all know Tom Oliver Chaplin went into rehab and canceled the Keane North American tour. I understand that Tom made some friends while in rehab with notable druggie Pete Doherty. It makes me nervous that Tom is friends with him bc it obvious how rehab has NOT helped Doherty. I don’t think Tom needs that negative influence in his life. Though I’m hoping that Tim Rice-Oxley will see to Tom Oliver Chaplin “safety” of sobriety. Not that it’s his responsibility at all, I just know that he loves him too much to watch him go through all this again.
I digress, back to going to Honey’s house. So she cooked some kick as food as usual. My favorite things she makes really are her roasted veggies and potatoes. I could eat an ENTIRE pan of each and still have room for the main dish, which is usually steak, which is also AMAZING. I just really love to eat roasted veggies and potatoes. I could seriously live on that. So we ate a lot as per the usual and went to Starbucks as per the usual. We helped April and Patrick test out a couch at Pottery Barn. I could have moved into that couch it was so comfortable.

Honey and I met her really nice, cool, spastic (in a good way) friend Nathan there, with his friend, whose name is escaping me at the moment (also a really sweet person). They were a lot of fun. We talked about music and stuff while we waited on line. When we finally got in we separated, they wanted to be on the floor. Honey and I took our usual spots in the corner of the balcony. Snow Patrol finally came on. Gary Lightbody has a great voice. Better than I would have thought. I hope he takes care of those vocal chords. So during the show Nathan was bopping around just as spastically as the Gary Lightbody. Nathan is so tall that The Lightbody noticed. So he was talking about the crap that he has to take for his throat and he GAVE it to NATHAN!!! Honey and I were freaking out. Then later the Lightbody DEDICATED a song to Nathan!!!! Unbelievable!!! It was a really, really great show. Snow Patrol is great live!! Then of course Nathan got a set list. I really felt that the Lightbody saw himself in Nathan. A skinny, spastic, tall, sweet guy with a great smile, the Lightbody thought, “Holy shite! That was me 10 years ago!” One look at the Lightbody and you know that’s what he was thinking.

I went home the next day to an uneventful week. Though on Friday I got a haircut, a very short haircut. I donated my hair to “The Locks of Love.” The minimum amount you have to give is 10 inches; I was able to give them 13 inches. It was a little traumatic at first and I cried a second right before she cut it. But I did it. I was proud of myself. I think I did a good thing. It’s already grown like an inch or so since I cut it. It’s a little annoying that I have to blow dry it, but I’ll do it. I’m glad that I was able to give my hair to someone who doesn’t have any.
That Saturday night I went to sleep over my brother’s. I had a nice visit with him and Dana and the dog. For their anniversary I bought them tickets to the Bob Dylan show with the Raconteurs, which is in Nov. Of course Honey and I are going with them. I think that should be a really great show.
When I got home I ended up getting in a huge fight with my CRAZY uncle and he tried to throw a chair at me. I almost wanted him to so I could send him to jail. I told him, “if he even tried it you will end up in prison so quickly that your head will fucking spin.” Naturally he put the chair down and he’s stayed out of my face since then. I don’t think I have even been so angry in my whole life. And I have been really angry before, my throat was killed me from screaming so load. I talked to Dylan and Dana and they made me feel better. Then I talked to Honey and she made me fell better more. Bc when I talked to D & D their way of helping is to pile more pressure on me that I need to get a better job and to move out. Which I know I need to eventually do that, but they also have NO clue what it is to live in this house. I am the one that has to take care of EVERYTHING. I have to go to work, make sure that my grandmother gets to her doctors appointments, make dinner for her (usually), clean the house, buy the groceries, take care of the cats, pay a ton of bills, go visit my mother, take care of all my mothers things; like paying the nursing home, depositing her checks, making sure that things are getting done for her, I was the one who had to get her Medicaid. I was the one who had to choose the nursing home. Last week I had to go through all my mom’s clothes and decide what was useful for her and what wasn’t. The things that weren’t useful I gave to the Salvation Army. I know it’s a good thing, I gave them 3 huge garbage bag full of clothes and really nice clothes. But it was really hard. It’s something you do when someone passes away and it was really sad that I had to do that. Once again I digress: back to the anger that I was speaking about, if anyone read Honey’s blog about “anger” that would come close to how angry I was feeling. But thank G-D for D & D and thank G-D for Honey. I have never had a friend my whole life that has understood me and some of my dysfunction like she does and I love her very much. She really is a sister to me.
On September 26, U2 were going to be at the Union Square Barnes & Noble signing their new book. Neither C or Honey won a chance to get into the signing so at the last minute on Monday night I decided that I was going to stay on the sidewalk all night long so I could get in. I convinced C to wait with me. Surprisingly enough she agreed. I am not going through any details bc it’s too upsetting. We were given #’s and I was 99 and c was 100. We spent the whole night on the sidewalk. At the last minuet people cut in line and we were not let in. They let in the first 100 ppl. I was doing my best to fight with them, I hopped out of line and got the book with our names, I asked to speak with the manager and no luck. They wouldn’t let me. They were ASSHOLES!!!! I was crying. C was also. It was very upsetting and we had no sleep. We walked to the W Hotel and try to talk to U2.com staff but no luck again. It was getting later and later, and I was like I have to go to work. I can’t wait here all day just for a maybe. So I ended up driving one of the guys to Penn Station that waited with us, and I went home. I slept for about an hour or two. Then I heard my phone ring. It was C – She met them!!! Met them all!!! She totally deserved to meet them. She’s liked them for like ever. I totally felt like crying bc of exhaustion and jealousy. It took about a week to get over it. It made me even more determined to meet them. I will meet them!! I will have a picture with Edge!!! I will tell Bono that he’s amazing!!! I will tell Edge that I’m in love with him!!! I will tell Larry he’s hot and should do more videos!!! I will tell Adam I think he’s great (even though I give Honey a hard time about him being her favorite. He’s still Adam!!)!!! I. Will. I. Will. I. Will!!!! And Honey will be right there with me!!! They will fall in love with us!!! They will invite us to go to dinner with them and all their friends!!! They will then bring us to their hotel and…. Ok, I think I’ve gotten a little carried away. It. Will. Happen. If I can meet Dave Matthews 4 times, than you would think I could meet Edge once? Wouldn’t you?
The TV season has started and there are some really good shows out there. There are also some really crappy ones. And then there are some that I like that I know are crappy. Let’s start with the good ones that are good without question.
Family Guy – The jealousy that I have that Honey met Seth MacFarlane and not me is crazy. The guy is funny and hot. The show is ridiculous and gross. I love it.
Prison Break – Though last season was awesome, the jury is still out on this season. William Fichner plays a pill popping FBI agent who needs a bust bc otherwise he’s going to kill EVERYONE, is really good. Wentworth is still really, really hot. But is it worth another season, meh. I’m not so into it. I put it in this list of good shows bc a lot of people still really like it. I really think that this should be the last season.
Heroes – SOOOOO good!!! Not to mention it has Adrian Pasdar; he’s all kinds of hotness, even though he may or may not be a total jackass in it. His brother in the show is also really hot, Villo something. He’s really cute. Hiro, the Japanese office drone is soooo great. What a great power he has and he’s really funny.
Studio 60 – I really like the writing of Aaron Sorkin even though he’s probably a self righteous, pompous ass. He’s good at his job. I also really like the casting of everyone in the show. Matthew Perry is doing a great job, as is Bradley Whitford.
House – this is just a great show and that Gregory House is so great. The writing is still good and the illness’s they use are still weird. Good stuff right there.
Lost – Oh My!!!!!!!! What a show. There are always going to be millions questions asked about this show. Is anything ever going to be answered? Sure, but they are just going to be leaving you asking even more questions. The man crying that was done by Jack (Matthew Fox) was so hot that there are no words for it. The sexual tension between Sawyer and Kate is palpable, and it’s all done with a look or two. I look forward to each episode. I can’t wait for next weeks’ episode. It really is the best show on television.
The Nine – At first I was like, what’s the point of the show, then it got really, really compelling. WHAT HAPPENED IN THERE?!?! Good show.
Kidnapped – I forgot to watch the first one, but then Honey said that Jeremy Sisto kicks some serious ass and I watched and he really does. Even though they sent this show to die on Saturday nights, I think it proves that Sisto can and should carry his own show about him kicking ass.
Ugly Betty – I love America Ferreira, she’s a great actress and she’s normal. I think most ppl. can identify with her. She was great in that “traveling pants” movie and she’s great in this. Her boss is hot, even though in the beginning he was an ass, he’s vulnerable with her, he tells her things and he’s open with her. It’s hot. It’s a little campy, but it’s a really good show.
Smallville – Lex is totally hot even though he’s turning to the dark side. I think that makes him hotter. Lana and him totally did it, and it was hot! I’m excited to see where this show goes. I really like it.
Survivor – I haven’t been into this season like last year, but I do like it anyway. I just think it’s a great show. It really pushes ppl. to their limits and I like watching that.
Grey’s Anatomy – I love this show. I have complained about Ellen Pompeo since I started watching this show. But so far she really hasn’t been so annoying. She gave a great rant last week that ended with, “I wanna feel like a freakin’ lady!” It was really great. And this week she was on morphine and said some pretty funny things.
CSI – damn! They have put their CSI’s through soooo much this season and there’s only been 3 shows. But 3 really great shows. I have to say color me impressed! I think maybe they know that Grissom sleeping with Sara at the end of last season was Shasta McNasty bc they haven’t really mentioned it. There have been looks but nothing else was really mentioned. But it really has been very good.
Ok onto the shows that I still watch even though they are crappy:
Brothers and Sisters – I will still watch this. I think it might be canceled but I love Sally Field and that guy is really hot. He was in the short-lived Fox show Reunion. So I’m still gonna watch till it’s dead.
Desperate Housewives – I don’t watch this show anymore, I have given up bc it is indeed CRAP!!!
7th Heaven – I just have to watch this show until it’s done. I have watched it since the beginning and I have to see it through. But please finish soon, bc it’s not so good anymore.
The Bachelor – I just like this show. I don’t know why. I even think that this season the guy is gross, but I still like watching it.
Smith – This show just got canceled to my chagrin. I think I knew it was crappy but it was a good idea for a show. Having Shoreh Agadlashoo as a bad guy was fun. Ray Liotta was hot with Virginia Madsen. Johny Lee Miller is just hot, so that’s sad for me that they canceled the show.
Jericho – This show is a little scary, especially with the whole North Korean thing having nuclear capability. It’s not a very well acted show, which I think will lead to a cancellation and the writing isn’t terrific. But the subject is scary.
ER – I put this show here bc it’s like 7th Heaven, I have watched it since the beginning and will stick with it through the end. But please ER end soon, you are not good anymore. You try and sell it with having bigger and bigger guest stars, but I think your time has ended in being a good show. Please go out with some dignity that you are slowly losing by staying on the air longer then wanted.
There are other good shows out there that I just don’t have time to watch. NCIS, Criminal Minds, How I met Your Mother, The Class, are all good shows. I think I watch enough tv for an army. Then I can’t forget the shows that are on later in the Season, like 24 and Medium. That doesn’t include my daytime stories and Oprah that I tape everyday. Man I really do watch a lot of television. I could really tell you almost anything about TV. I might not now character names, but I could give you a brief synopsis about most if not all primetime shows. It’s one of my magical powers.
Movies I want to see: The Queen, The Departed (“You gonna chop me up and feed me to the poor?!), The Last King of Scotland, Little Miss Sunshine, The Prestige, and a bunch more.
Justin Timberlake was on Kimmel last night. I have to say that he was sooooo funny and they had him play 2 FULL songs and they were AMAZING!!! Also, Kate Walsh was on from Grey's and she LOVES BONO!!! Who doesn't!!!??
I think U2 should have special guests on their next album. Bono was on Oprah on Friday and he really can be very sexy. He really is hot, especially with that awesome haircut. He should always have that hair. I think someone in the street even commented on his hair. Anyhoo – he did a song called “Africa” with Alicia Keys on vocals and piano. Just a piano and 2 voices it was really good. They really sounded good together. So watching Alicia Keys with Bono was amazing. It gave me the idea that U2 should do special guests on the next album. I think the guests should be Alicia Keys, Dave Matthews, Missy Elliot, Thom Yorke, Kanye West, Bruce Springsteen and I think that would be enough. So who ever is listening please do this, I think it would be cool.
I think this blog has been long over due. I’m sorry if it was long I just needed to get some things off my chest. Until next time, hopefully I won’t wait too long. I am seeing honey next week and we are going to see MATTYNAY!!! I can’t wait. Then the week after that I am having a sleep over with Honey, April and Patrick at my house!!! And again we are seeing MattyNay!!! Hopefully I can convince C to come. I really think she would have a great time and totally fall for the shnay!! I am also trying to convince that guy I drove to Penn Station bc I totally have a crush on him. So hopefully I will be writing sooner rather than later. I am also working on “Rules of Stalking”. I want to come up with a better word, something like, pursuing or hunting or chasing or following or questing or sporting. I think of the right word. That doesn’t sound as scary as these. I am also working on the “Stages of Fandom,” an example: Stage 7: Sleeping out on a city sidewalk to try and meet the band in question even if it’s for a second. Sometimes this doesn’t work and sometimes it does.
Peace out for now.