This blog is certainly a long time coming. I haven’t written anything in such a long time. I have just been completely unmotivated. I blame the state of the financial situation in the world. The Jewish Holidays have also put a lot on hold. I haven’t been working as much and that makes me nervous but I’m trying to stay upbeat, especially with all the awesome things that have happened lately. Hopefully they will continue to happen throughout this month. I was telling Honey last night and last week that EVERY single day in my October (except for 2 days) is filled with stuff. It’s pretty crazy. So much has happened already that I really should have written a blog sooner but, what are you gonna do?
Let’s start off with the end of August. I went down to MD to help out with April’s Shower. I was the sous to Honey’s Executive Chef. I have to say that though it was a lot of work and Honey had planned on way too much food, it was so much fun preparing everything with her.

Then Honey came home with me and we went to a Times Talks Event with Daniel Radcliffe. It was amazing!! He was amazing!! Honey and I were able to sit in the front row, which was crazy bc there were a lot of people in front of us on line. But once we got inside, EVERY SINGLE person was going to the right and I went to left and so did Honey and we went straight down to the front row. It was pretty excellent.

Then Dan came out, he looked amazing. His hair was great, he was wearing his jeans just right and he had a great jacket. Definite A+ for clothing, though I will take away the plus for shortness, but I will re-add it for his character as a human and another plus for his ability to give a great interview, another plus for his ability to answer questions from the audience and one last one for being awesome when we met him!! So that’s an A++++. That seems about right. During the question answer period I went up and asked 2 questions. I was the second one to ask questions. They were: “A few weeks ago Gary Oldman was on Conan O’Brien and he told a story about a time he made you cry and I was wondering if you could please tell the full story?” and “If you could choose five bands what would be your concert line up?” He answered the questions fully and perfect. I will also mention that I read 4 different articles about his time at Times Talks and EVERY single article mentioned the questions I asked to DAN!!! How fantastic is that?!?!? I say pretty fantastic!! The second question was actually Honey’s question that she gave me. I was going to ask another question but I thought it would be rude. I wanted to know what scene he is looking forward to filming in the last movie and if it’s not the walk down to his death I will never speak to him again!! But he mentioned it later. He said he was really looking forward to filming that EXACT scene!!! I freaked out and was so happy that he mentioned it!!

I’m remembering that I think I forgot to blog about meeting Stephenie Meyer. It was crazy. We met her for 3 seconds flat. There were too many teenage girls there. But it was an event and nice to meet her. Then Honey and I went to get the book at midnight at the upper west side Barnes and Noble. That was fun also. The B & N people were really nice. We spent most of the next day reading.
Which brings me to the amount of reading I did this summer. I read Twilight (twice), New Moon (twice), Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and The Host all by Stephenie Meyer. I also read, The Other Boleyn Girl and The Queens Fool by Phillipa Gregory; the Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green by Josh Braff; Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult; Sunflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See; The Eye of the Needle by Ken Follet. All pretty good books and all VERY different by extremely different authors. I really enjoy Phillipa Gregory’s writing and her take on historical fiction. I obviously like the twilight series, but in many ways “The Host” is better written then her other books. I didn’t really enjoy the Jodi Picoult book (meh) and the Josh Braff book was just all right. I very much liked the Lisa See book and the Ken Follet book. Now I am reading Beloved by Toni Morrison and next up is Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates.
Back to the schedule: After Honey went home I went to Dylan and Dana’s house and we went swimming all day on Sunday. It was so much fun. I hadn’t been swimming in forever. It was really nice to be in the pool all day long. I turned into a prune. I loved it.
The following weekend was Labor day and I went back to Honey bc we were going to cat sit for her sister (I had off from work). I left Thursday night and I got a flat tire. It totally sucked man, but it worked out I suppose. So whilst enjoying being taken care of and watching TV my brother calls and says G-ma had to go to the hospital bc Muffin bit her and her arm got infected. I had to come home early but G-ma was fine. Her arm was quite infected. I think Muffin was sleeping and G-ma reached down and she forgot where she was and bit G-ma bc she got scared. I yelled at her when I got home and then sat down with her to talk about her behavior. I really think she responded bc she hasn’t acted badly since then. Though she did knock over my full cup of soda water with ice on the floor and last night I was laughing really hard and she didn’t like that I was laughing so loud and she bit me, which was really funny. But it wasn’t meant to break skin or anything. It was just like a “ugh stop laughing you crazy person”!! it was too funny. I digress. G-ma is fine. I had to change her bandage and clean the wound for a couple of weeks but she’s like brand new now.
I’ve been getting into the swing of things with TV. Chuck is gone. Fringe and Sarah Connor Chronicles are so in. Both these shows are really good. I hope people are watching. SCC is really great and there was some major HOT man crying with a very hot Dean Winters. They are both great Sci-fi shows that I can’t believe I actually like them this much, but I do. I actually made this awesome TV Chart that has Velcro on the back of shows and a little pouch for mid season replacements. It’s very exciting. I also very much like the mentalist, Simon Baker is quite cute. It’s kinda like that “psyche” show but not as kitschy. There are some old favorites too like, Brother’s and Sister’s, Criminal Minds, CSI, How I met your mother, House and Pushing Daisies. I hope people are watching all these shows so they can stay on the air.
Honey came back to town bc we were going to see Sigur Ros. When I met Honey she told me that she saw trailers for Law and Order: Criminal Intent. So we parked near there and made a purposeful walk by the trailers. The one that we walked by happened to be Goren’s trailer.

That meant Vincent D’Onofrio was somewhere in the area. I saw a production dude and he told me that he was sleeping on that very trailer and gave me a time line of when he would come out. So we waited for maybe an hour and they opened the trailer door and Vincent was standing right there and I just had this instant reaction that was so stupid. I got the biggest, goofiest grin on my face that he totally saw and made me look like a complete moron. So Honey advised me to say some words to Vinny D and when he finally came out I said those words VERBATIM. How I remembered them in the perfect order in the correct tone is beyond me. I said, “About 5 years ago I had met you and I was really, really sick. You were so nice to me and it was amazing and it made my month.” While I was saying it to him all the crew were STARING at me and it was so weird bc they all had smiles on their faces and I could see them all thinking “oh what a nice story.” Vincent was again amazing. He took a picture with both Me and Honey together. I wish he was smiling with his teeth bc his teeth looked great. We also told him that we watched “Guy,” a really obscure Vincent movie. He was mildly impressed with us. Then we called some people and freaked out on the phone to them. Oh also while we were waiting we saw Sherri Shepard walk by and I told her that she was funny. Then we headed up to the show.
During the opening act there was some sort of seat debacle with the guy behind us. He was supposed to sit in the front row with his girlfriend and he was mistakenly sitting in the second row but he was willing to give up his seat but the seater didn’t let him. So he moved up and Honey was starring at his face and I took one look at him, leaned over to her and said “ya that’s Haley Joel Osment.” Her eyes went huge and she was like OMG. It was really funny. Bc then we ended up sitting next to him and his girl.

My mom lately has been acting cookoo. I think she was having some sort of “episode”. It was hard bc every time I would visit her she would freak out on me and cry and scream. It was very frustrating for both of us and disheartening. I would think that I would get through to her and she would say ok, but then she would cry again. Thank goodness the last time I went she was actually very calm and took a nap. The nurse also told me that she’s been better. And on Yom Kippur she was very quiet and the nurse asked if she was being reflective and my mom shook her head yes. So there’s that.
The holidays started and it was really quiet I wanted to get as much sleep as I could and worked out pretty well. I was slightly reflective and hope this year is a good year. And actually the mail came b4 Yom Kippur and in it was something from the loan place. My loan has been fully discharged. I am very excited about that and it’s such good news.
But b4 that happened I went back down to Honey to celebrate April’s bachelorette party. Which was at a MattyNay concert. The concert was great and it was so nice to see him. We haven’t seen him for a year. He made a comment about Twilight and it was too funny our whole group screamed and hooted at it. It was me, Honey, April, Ashley, Amy, Katie and Amy. It was in Towson MD, which was a bitch to get to bc of all the traffic. But it was worth it bc of MattyNay. It was funny b4 the show I saw Matt by accident and I was fixing my sock in my boot and he was looking at me funny for a second then we tilted our heads up towards each other to say hey. It was funny. After the show we waited outside for him and there were a bunch of people. I wanted to try and be first, so we could leave first but we were 2nd to last, which was awesome bc he remembered Honey and me, more Honey then me. But that’s ok. He tried and that’s what’s important. We talked to him about so much stuff and he’s seriously the best. We all took pictures with him and he made so many jokes. He really makes you feel so special. I said that some joke he made was really funny then he told a similar one. He said that he was meeting this fan and the dude was like “in the picture we take together are we gonna be all gay and put our arms around together?” And Matt said to him “what would be gay is if I stuck my cock in your mouth.” And then someone took the picture and the dudes’ eyes were bulging out of his head and his mouth was on the ground. AHH MattyNay you are too funny. The joke he told at the show was, he was sitting on the plane from San Francisco and the guy he was sitting next to started talking to him. He asked Matt what he did for a living and he said he’s a musician, so the guy was like “I watch American Idol. That probably makes me gay.” To which Matt replied “what would make you gay is if you enjoy cock in your ass.” And there you have it. The rest of my visit was pretty low key and then home I went.
I’ve been listening to a ton of that new “Kings of Leon” cd and they are fantastic. The lead singer is really quite gorgeous. Honey told me that the drummer is marrying the girl that opened for Matt who wasn’t great, not even really that good. When I got home I got sick and so did Honey. (Feel Better Pooh!!)
Which brings me to the last bit of awesomeness for this blog. On Tuesday of last week I went with Cara to see Lisa Hannigan and band, which includes SHANE Fitzsimons. Who if anyone actually reads my blog knows that he is the man I should marry but unfortunately he has a fiancé already. Cara was great bc she treated to food and a drink. She’s so fantasgreat. Also, Lisa was quite the topic of a controversy on my blog (read here and here) sometime ago when Honey and me saw, met and talked to her after a snow patrol concert they played at MSG. We were waiting for the band and Gary Lightbody and we got Lisa the day after Damien Rice let her go. I think it was fate.
Back to the present: The show was at Joe’s Pub at 9:30pm, which is really late for a weeknight and the day b4 Yom Kippur but I would do anything for Lisa and Shane. Cara just got back from Barcelona and she saw REM there. She told me about her trip and you could head over to her blog to look at some pictures. What was funny was that Cara reserved us a table but I think since she did it so late we had the worst table in the house and we could have sat on the couches in front but the place is so small there really isn’t a bad seat in the house. I noticed (more so later) there were a lot of friends and family at this show. They played for about 50 – 55 min bc there was an 11:30pm show they were also playing, which we did not stay for. Lisa was beautiful. She was soulful and wistful and just amazing. I have some pictures but did not develop them as of yet. She really looked great, the whole band sounded great. Tomo looked so frakking happy, it was quite a change and I told him so after. If anyone is seeing Jason Mraz they are opening for him and please GO and see her. She is so wonderful and the band sounds amazing!!!
This is actually from the 2nd Joe's Pub Show at 11:30pm
After the show I went and found Shane right away. (bc I love him) Cara wasn’t with me bc she was in the corner and couldn’t get out but I went to the bathroom b4 the encore and stayed outside the booth for the encore so I wouldn’t get stuck in there. So I had to talk to him, Honey wasn’t there to save my ass and Cara wasn’t either. So first off he remembered me right away and gave me a big hug. Then I found out that he didn’t get married yet, which I could have sworn that he did already. I told him that I finally saw Sigur Ros and he didn’t know what I said bc Shane pronounces it SIGGGUR RUS, he really gets that’s “G” sound out and rolls his “R” a bit. So I said it the way he said it and he was like “ahh their awesome.” Honey thought that was very funny. I was just proud of myself that I was able to talk to him. Shane said that he loved the bass player, i told him that we only met Uri and Jonsey. I also told him I wanted to meet the bass player bc he was really quite attractive. But we didn't get to. then we talked about Radiohead and his cousin was at that Radiohead show that I was at in Bristow, VA when it rained like crazy. He asked if the show was good and if it sounded all right, he actually thought he saw me in the front, and I told him that I was in the back and the show was amazing. Lisa was amazing and so was the band. He’s was so hot and yummy. I can’t take it. Someone interrupted us and then he said he had to go find his family so they wouldn’t leave, but that he would be back. Then I waited for Cara and gave her my camera. I saw this really pretty girl and said to Cara “I think that girl was on my stories.” After explaining that my stories are my soap opera’s she said, “no she’s not.” But I was concentrating on whom to meet next. Tomo was in the hall and he was talking to a bunch of people. So I went and started talking to him when some of them went away. I got to tell him how incredibly happy he looked bc the last time I saw him he was with Damien and he wasn’t looking happy. Tomo was so good, he said that it was a really long time ago but at the same time he was sort of finishing my sentence. I asked if we could take a picture together and he said of course. But b4 we did that girl that I noticed earlier offered to take it, I said it’s ok bc Cara was going to but b4 we got ready for the picture I turned back to her and said “you look really familiar to me where you on One Life to Live?” Her mouth fell open and she said, “OMG! How do you remember that? It was like 15 years ago?!” Even Tomo and Cara were like wow and I heard Tomo say how did you know that? And I shrugged and said, I’m just good at that. As I was looking for a picture on the internet of this actress I realized that she is REIKO AYELSWORTH!!!! Damn it, she is Mrs. Tony Almeda!!!

At first her door was closed so I went back to stand where Cara was waiting. Then this other woman was like should I go back there (to her friend) and they were like I don’t know. So I said, I’ll go if you go, so we both went. The door was opened this time and there were 2 people talking to her already. Then this woman started talking also, I was in the corner telling Cara to come over to me, at first she wouldn’t then she finally did. It felt like forever until it was finally my turn. But it finally was. But b4 it was my turn she hugged the woman that went b4 me. Lisa closed her eyes. She was so pretty in that moment. Right in front of me with her eyes closed her face was calm and angelic. She’s so great. So it was my turn and I took a picture with her first bc I didn’t know how long I had. The interesting thing also was that I was the ONLY person taking pictures with anyone. But anyway, so I realized that I had a few moments with her. So I said, “I don’t know if you remember this but about a year and a half or 2 years ago after,” at that point she interrupted me and said, “Ya. After the Snow Patrol Concert.” At which point I lifted my arms in the air as if scoring a goal and I heard Cara say, “Oh My G-D, she remembers.” I said, “You remember, I can’t believe you remember”. She said, “I absolutely remember. It meant so much to me the things you said (even though I think Honey was saying most of it) and especially at that particular time.” I told her that it was fate and we were meant to be there at that time for her. I told her I was also have a full circle moment bc she’s here and Shane’s here and I’m here all at the same time. Bc she told Shane and she was like that’s right he told me and ahh Lisa. It was such a great moment. So then I also told her that Honey and I were going to the DC show and that we didn’t have tickets but we wanted to come and see her and say hi and bye. She said, “wait you don’t have tickets?” I said “no.” So she told me to wait where I was and I said ok. She was looking for her tour manager, but couldn’t find her. So she came back and found a little notepad in her luggage and said, I’m sure we can find some extra tickets for you and your friend, I told her that we didn’t have to even stay for the Jason Mraz show, we just wanted to see her. At which point Cara laughed. But Lisa said spell your name and your friends name. I did and I had an internal freak out watching her spell my name and then Honey’s name. Oh man, she’s so awesome. There was an Irish guy in her dressing room who was totally cute and he was happy for me. I told Lisa and him and the guitarist, it’s sounds really stalkery but it’s really not. And they laughed. Cara took another picture when I was talking to her and it was funny, she wanted a candid photo. I thanked her profusely and new that she had to get ready for the next show, so we hugged and I don’t know if it’s an Irish thing, but that hug was so strong and sturdy and yummy and great. I told her I would see her in DC and said goodbye. On the way out I saw Shane again and I touched him one last time and said that I would see him in DC. Then we left. It was so awesome.
That was pretty much the craziness of the past couple of months. I wanted to also send my condolences to Cara who recently lost her grandmother. I send love to you and your family.
The things that I am looking forward to are April and Patrick’s wedding this weekend, the brunch Honey and I are cooking for, and staying in April and Patrick’s apartment and cat sitting for Lizzy or as I call her Lizzy Borden. I am also looking forward to doing April’s hair for the wedding and Honey’s make-up, Miriam’s 30th B-day which I will be at her house for that Shabbos, seeing my apartment mate from Israel Gutis and seeing Lisa and Shane again. I almost forgot I am also very much looking forward to Twilight coming out. That should be really exciting. That Robert Pattinson is really hot and this movie is going to change his and Kristen Stewarts life so much.

I never posted this picture that Brook from "All My Children" sent to me. I met her at the eye dr's office and she said she would send me something and she did!!! She was really great to do that.
I hope it doesn’t take me as much time next time to write a blog. Until next time….