Twilight 11.21.08

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I love kiefer

I just spent 45 minutes reading Honey's blogs. They were soooo long.

I had a really weird dream last night. It was with Colin Farrell and he was really hot and NAKED!!! I was trying to sleep with him and he didn't want me to. He said that after we sleep together that I would be pissed off at him and he didn't want me to be mad at him. And I was like so don't be an ass and let me just have sex with you. It was so funny, now that I think about it. He was coming out of the shower and he all wet and naked andI just walk into the room like I owned the place. He's hot.

Alrighty, kiefer was just perfect last night. and Forney. if you read honey's blog you'll understand how funny it was when he came on the tv. I called honey right away and all I said was "IT'S FORNEY!!!" it was priceless.

I want Kiefer soooo bad. I can't express enough how much I WANT that man!!!

and let me ask you why is gene simmons judging American Idol?


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