Twilight 11.21.08

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Some Jack for Yetta.... Posted by Hello
Look how pretty, It hurts, he's so hot, I think I might cry a bit.

I have been really bad at my blog writing. I have just been so tired lately and I haven't had the energy to turn on the computer, log on to the slowest dial up and the really hard part of typing. but today I thought would be a good day for that.

I just read hon's blog and it was too funny. Well, except the part about Boone, when I woke up the next day I was like, "NNNNOOOO!!!" I can NOT beleive they killed him. DAMN IT!!! this show is so good!! it's funny bc I was talking to honey and she was reading me all the crazy things on the message board and I asked what allthese ppl. did b4 lost and hon says they had twin peaks and x-files. so I get my entertainment weekly this week, and lost is on the cover. the article is AMAZING and they talk about all the similarities with twin peaks and x-files. It was just funny bc we were just talking about that. According to the article there will be a lot of questions answered and a lot more questions added. the season finaly is going to be 2 hours, I cannot wait for that!!

Now back to Jack - I LOVE THAT MAN!!!

so I ahd some weird dreams the past couple of days. 2 nights ago I was Joan, Joan of Arcardia, and I was having a fight with grace and then there was a hot guy helping me chase her. it was wierd. Then last night I had another dream that I was joan, joan of Arcadia and Adam was in the dream and there was man crying and it was cute. then I had another dream last night that I was jennifer garner and there was some weird guy trying to poison michael vartan, the father and the sister on the show and I was the only one who was like DON'T TOUCH THAT!!! and everyone was ok, except for the evil one who now runs the spy thing, but in my dream he was my father not Vicotr garber. Then I fainted and Michael Vartan came and layed next to me and it was all hot!!

Then my last dream was really weird, I was working as a chef for passover and they were having this practice sedar but with bread and I was so confused, but I went along with it. and there was this girl from high school in the dream, who now lives in Israel and I haven't seen her in a long time. then I saw this guy that I also new and I saw he was dating this other girl from high school and I was in SHOCK! it was weird. then I was walking around and I went down stairs and I was now in a synagogue and there was a vcr with a tape in it of Starting Over and I went to retreive the tape and I couldn't find the eject button, then these 2 black guys came in and they looked like they were going to try and hurt me, and they DID!! they started puching and kicking, and I was screaming HELP, HELP!!! HELP!! and I was kicking and hitting them back, and that's when I woke up. It freaked me out!!

I have to go help my mom with a dvd. I might try and write another blog today.

oh one last thing I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!!! HONEY AND MUSE IN THE SAME WEEK!!!! Also, thanx for posting that pic for me. nice choice. :)

one last thing - look how pretty kiefer is... i lvoe him, i love him, i love him.


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