I’ve been converted…. Praise U2

Edge Come to MAMA!!!!


Bono and Edge face off

Bono reaching for the sky

With a red guitar... and smiling

Rockin' out

Is the Edge looking at me?

Edge head to toe

Until the end of the world!
I am going to start this blog off with the dream I had last night. I was in some sort of concert area and I was there with a bunch of friends. The ones I see clearly are my very religious friends, which is weird and I see Alcazar from General Hospital (even weirder, I know). Anyway, we are on this grassy knoll and I realize that we are there to see DMB and we are right in front and I am getting really excited. I also realize that they are going to be airing the concert on TV, and of course I have a TV set with me. I start changing the channel to find the concert and there is nothing on the TV. The only other thing on the TV is a concert from U2 and I leave it on that channel and then the whole DMB show is gone and I am left watching U2 on TV. And I was ok with that….
This is the enduring guilt that I feel for betraying Dave in such a manner. Even though Dave has a permanent place in my heart, I feel like I am cheating on him. The way I feel about U2 at this very moment is only compared to the way I felt about Dave when it all started.
And the fact that Honey and I got into the ellipse, or the egg (that’s what I like to call it) has nothing (maybe slightly) to do with what I am feeling.
Their concerts feel religious, but in a spiritual manner. It’s moving and poignant; sometimes you just can’t help but cry. The Edge is beautifully quiet, and packs a punch of aggression with every strum of his guitar. He stamps his foot to Larry’s beat and moves his body to Adam’s bass. Larry may be the lonely guy in the back but the sound of his drum fills the arena with surprising power. I realize finally that Adam is Hot, still a bit weird, but hot none the less hot. His voice is still so tight, precise and smooth after all these years, Bono – “The pope of music.” It is no coincidence that I have called him this now for several years. Even before I really GOT it, before that light bulb moment came to me. This was not a quick process. When I was in DC and saw “Rattle and Hum,” I had a revelation during “Still haven’t found what I’m looking for” and they brought it to church. That lit the pilot light in my head, and not until we were 2 feet away from them the next day at the MCI center did the fire inside start blazing.
I think that it’s fair to say that I am in love with The Edge, a.k.a. Dave Evans.
With all that said, I think I can now talk about getting into the Egg and seeing Edge, Bono, Larry and Adam that close!!! Honey came over last Sunday, I picked her up at Grand central, and we went food shopping and cooked dinner. The next day we went to visit my mom and then went to the city and hung out then saw Harry Potter on the IMAX. I got a huge headache, and then we went to meet honey’s friends for dinner. Leah was so nice and her fiancé was really cute, he reminds me of Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid. Anyway, then we went home to prepare for the next day.
I wasn’t feeling so well, so we decided to go in a bit later then originally planned. It worked out though bc we got free parking and the weather was horrendously bad. We got a number and made our line buddies, then we went to pee and decided to wait for the band while they come in. We saw Bono and Adam go in and I go a picture of Bono in his car pointing to his throat explaining that he needs to save his voice for the show. We go back in line just as they were getting everyone inside. We go in and the butterflies start, I didn’t really mentally prepare myself for being squished in the GA section and had given up the idea of the egg. I just thought that we would end up standing in the back. I go to my guy and I get the first wrist band. I look behind me and I see Honey in another line. I am about to hand the guy my ticket for scanning and I was like, “WAIT,” I said one last prayer and he scanned…. “Proceed to floor L” I was upset, but what are you gonna do, I started going up the stairs, I am fixing my scarf and am in another world. The next five minutes were in slow motion for me. I turn around slowly waiting for Honey and she says to in a calm, unbelievable way and says, “We got it.” I looked at her and I started coming toward her, “What.” I looked at the screen and it said Vertigo, Vertigo, Vertigo. I grab her and we start jumping up and down and I’m totally screaming and I feel just beside myself. We go up to get the next set of wristband and then proceed to the EGG!!!!! It was absolutely incredible. I have no other words, bc anything I say will cheapen the experience, I don’t know enough words for how cool that show was!!!
Edge is hot!!!