Turning 28 on the 28th
As I said I was going to give my Final Grades for the Season Finale's of this year. Let's start with Lost:
Lost - This show is one of the best shows on Television today. It has suspense, humor, drama, and it's own mythology. What other shows have dozens of their own fake websites, making ppl. believe that their myths are real? It's awesome and it really freaks people out. Everything in this show is connected. Nothing is a coinsidence. You may always be asking, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!" But you completely enjoy the fact that you don't know, the actors don't know and sometimes I think the writers don't know. It's like going on this incredible TV journey, if you will, and you don't even care where the destination is. It's all about the journey. So many things were answered in the season finale, but with every answer there were 20 more questions that we asked. It was such a good episode. We know
how the plane crashed, we know "henry Gale" is the leader of the "Others", we know that pushing the button actually has a purpose (even though we don't really understand that purpose yet), we might know that there might be a way off the island, we know that Desmond is hot with short hair, we know that there is a deeper connection between Jack, Kate and Sawyer (but we don't know why), We know that Charlie's alright, but we don't know if Lockeor Eko are ok.
Things we don't know: EVERYTHING!!!

We don't know what that whole "white light" thing was about.

We don't know what "the others" want with Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
We don't know what that look was that they all gave eachother, and that Michael gave Jack. Maybe they have a plan... but we don't know.
I really am looking forward to the Season start to this show more than any other show. Though I don't know why they are waiting so long to put out the DVD? That seems odd. I wanted to watch it all this summer at work, now I can't. This episode was so crazy and you really understood that EVERYTHING is connected!!! I also think that since Penny Widmore was able to track (we think) the balloon it disproves that this place is purgatory. Even though it was a good idea. Go to this cool website and see that weirdness that everything is connected. Widmore Labrotories. Remember that name was on the balloon that Henry Gale was on. Crazy stuff.
Final Grade - A+24 - It was good. I think that the stand out person in this entire season was the president's wife, Jean Smart. She was amazing and hot with Aaron the secret service guy. The whole way that they put a secret chip that was a listening deice in the president's pen was so cool. I like how I got all Zen with the show. When President Logan was being arrested and President Palmer was being taken out in his coffin, I said they are both going to their graves. It was a mirror image moment. I also have to say that Bill Buchanan is a hot old man. This Season of 24 was not the best of 24 but it was good. I don't like the way they ended it. Jack was happy for a whole 2 seconds then the Chinese kidnapped him and put him on a ship somewhere in the middle of nowhere ala Alias. I thought it was interesting that Chloe was married to a british guy who was nice and sensitive and smart. Who knew? Over all I think they did a good job but as I'm thinking about the show nothing is immediatley popping into my mind.
So Final Grade - B+
American Idol - I didn't really get to watch it bc Lost was on and I was not going to tape AI. But I am so glad that Taykor Hicks won. He deserved to win and I really hope that he reaches the success of fellow winner Kelly Clarkson.
Final Grade - A-
Alias - I am sad that this show is over. It was a pretty good show and there was crying involved bc Jack Bristow died and that was really sad. Also, Jennifer Garner is such a phenominal crier. I was left unsatisified at the end of the series but I think it was bc the show was over and that was dissappointing to me. It was a good episode and it answered all the Rambaldi Prophecies. It was cool how Arven was left with the "elixer of Life" but no other super powers so he was trapped in the cave with a huge rock on him. It was a final Screw you to Arven the Evil and that was cool. Of course I must mention the hottness of One Michael Vartan. He's Hot!!
Final Grade - A-
Oprah's Legend's Special - I know that I was super emotional but it was amazing and I cried almost the entire time. The last day of her "retreat" was the most amazing part. Oprah had tents set up and it was like Church. She had all these Gospel greats and the whole thing was improvised. It was really slightly transendent and I know that they were singing about Jesus and all, and I'm Jewish, but it was amazing. I was really moved.

I've been to the Holocaust Musuem in Washington twice. They give respect to the survivors and to the ones who have passed. When you go through the door of the Museum they give you a passport of someone who was in the holocaust. At each stop in the museum you turn a page in the passport. At the end of the walk through, you turn to the last page of the passport and you find out if the person has lived or passed. It makes you feel so connected to the past. Seeing the complete inhumanity and evil within people is terrifying. The Nazi's were educated smart men and they still saw fit to kill Millions and Millions of people. The lesson we were supposed to learn was "NEVER AGAIN." So why does it keep happening? Sarejevo, Rwanda, the Sudan. It makes no sense to me. It's sickening. It makes me sad that the generation that was in the Holocaust are dying out. What makes me nervous is that ppl. have already forgotten.
I don't want to turn this blog into something sad and depressing, especially with all the good tv talk. So I think I'll change the topic.

Anderson Cooper was on Oprah this week. And Man Alive he is a hot man!!! Why is he gay?!?! I want him for myself. Though I think he would be really hot with Nate Berkus. 2 hot, sensitive, funny, adorable gay men together. That's a great couple. Anderson was on Conan last night and he was being so funny, Conan was cracking him up and it was really sweet. If you can I would defenitly try and check that Oprah out. You find out how his brother killed himself in front of his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. It's very sad but you see how amazing he is. This whole weeks of Oprah was really good. Except she had Ellen Pompeo on Friday and we all know how much I hate her. Not even Oprah can change my mind on that one.

Dane cook was on Leno the other night and he was so funny. (Your Pooch is Loose!!) he's too much. I wish tickets to his show weren't as expensive as they are. I think I would pish my pants if I ever went to his show. I was with Honey in the car and we were listening to him, I thought I was going to have to pull over bc I was laughing so hard. He also is really a hot hot man.
Ya know Goonies is such a fun movie. It's right up there with Ferris Bueller.
So My birthday is tomorrow. I'm going to see my mom with my grandmother. I think my brother, Dylan and his wife, Dana are coming. So that will be nice. Since no one is really going to be around, I feel like I'm celebrating my birthday in stages. I'm going to see Miriam on Monday, Honey on Tuesday. So it'll be chockfull of hooplaness. I hope. I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to seeing Snow patrol. And Radiohead, I feel like I'm not even really going. It's so unbelievable. I can't wait. Please wish us luck in the stalking department.
That's all for now. Hopefully my next blog will be full of fun stories. You ever notice that gif's on ppl's blogs look like pics or newspaper articles from Harry Potter? I noticed it when I was looking at Honey's blog. C - thanx for all the great pics of hot Bono. And I would like to thank myself for all the Hot Edge Youtube links I found. I love that man.