This Blog is so late!!

about the weekend: I helped Honey organize her pictures and put them in a bunch of albums. We just hung out. It was nice to be away from the dysfunction of my life and be with a good friend. I gave her some awesome b-day presents (if I may say so for myself).
Then we went to see the MattyNay with Pink. I have to say she was really amazing live. She was so much fun. The reason why we went to the show was for the Shnay. So to be blown away by Pink was really cool. All her songs were a lot of fun. Then she sang this song "Dear Mr. President" that floored me. I was crying, and it wasn't pretty. Please it would behoove anyone who reads this blog to please go to honeys blog and watch this AMAZING song!!! Or go Here: I implore you to do it!!!
That's really all that happened over the weekend. Except on the way home I got 2 flat tires. It was a day from hell. But thank goodness for the kindness of strangers (even though I have AAA). I got home safely and suprisingly not pissed off.
I have to say I am very much looking forward to the MUSE concert and DMB concert!!! It's going to be wild!!! I totally can not wait!! It's going to be great fun!!
I downloaded some songs yesterday from Guillemots (not sure if that's the correct spelling) and I have to say they are really quite good. They are so different but so much like so many ppl. that I love. Like Damien Rice, David Grey and some others. It's really good stuff.
If you live in London please go see Foy Vance tonight at La Paigalle .
There are other things but not for this blog. ie, shira's shower, I got proactive, I got my passport, I have a date.
Please also go to this adorable blog type thing. It's a really cute site as well as Cats that look like Hitler.
Also for viewing pleasure please look at U2 stuffing their faces with chocolate and pizza. Also, if you love Mr. and Mrs. Hewson you will enjoy this. It's a bit out of synch, but it's worth it. Just look how beautiful ali is!!! Kissy, kissy!!
I think that's really it for now.
a little something for Honey: Stalkerazziness