Twilight 11.21.08

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm sad

as everyone knows C met U2. I did not. I slept on the sidewalks of NYC and I got nothin. :(

I was 99 on the list and at the last minute of waiting all night and not really sleeping we were locked out of the line. Due to people cutting and people who were on the line to sell their books on e-bay, C and I did not get it!! I was pissed and try my hardest, with proof of a list, I spoke with many people who worked for Barnes and Noble and nobody cared. I was brought to tears, but not in front of them. I asked to speak with the Store Manager and he would not speak with me. I walked to the W hotel and try to speak with someone from but I just couldn't wait an longer and I left. It was incrediably hard for me to walk away, bc as everyone know "I am NOT a Quitter!!!!" and to give up like that sucked. I mean really sucked. I talked C into coming with me and too have neither of us meet them was awful.

At a quarter to 2 in the afternoon, I was sleeping bc I had to go to work, and C called me and said she just met them. ALL of them. She went back on her lunch break and went behind B&N and they were just coming in and they stopped and signed everyone's things. I am so incredibly happy for her. She has loved U2 for a crazy amount of time and she really deserves to have met them!!!! Go you C!!!

anyhoo - when I actually have some sleep in my body I will have a chance to write the full events of what happened.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I Can Not Believe it!!!

The Keane show for Hammerstein Ballroom on 9/27 has officially been canceled. I am really sad that I will not be seeing them. In fact the entire North American tour has been cancelled. I know the band is doing the best thing for Tom Oliver Chaplin and I hope he gets well soon. Tim Rice - Oxely said somethings that might be of interest to some. Find it here. It did seem a little too soon to go right back on the road. It would have been only 28 days in Rehab. I know that's the usual amount of time, but for someone who is suffering from Drug and Alcohol addictions, I would think you would need a little longer to cleanse your body and mind. Not only that, it takes a serious toll for the people that love the one who is addicted. It's exhausting. I hope I will see this band come around next year when they are all healthy and rested.