Twilight 11.21.08

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

“Yuch thanks giving… giving thanks yuch…” “Look everybody, it’s the spirit of thanksgiving!!!”

Last week was fun. Honey came for the Bob Dylan show and it was really good. The Raconteurs were excellent!! That Jack White is so attractive and I don’t know why. Seeing him on stage made him even more attractive… weird I know. I wish we had gotten there on time but there was a but load of traffic. They put in a new parking structure for Continental Airline Arena (Brenden Byrne Arena) and it’s stupid. There was NEVER that much traffic when it wasn’t there. But it was a really great show. Bob Dylan did NOT play guitar at all (which is weird) but he did wear an electric blue shirt under a black suit with a stripe of sparkle on the pant. He played “All Along the Watchtower” which was exciting for me bc I’ve heard the damn song so many times bc Dave always does it… it was nice to hear the original even if he did mess up the lyrics. We had a great time with my brother and sister-n-law. They are a funny couple.

The next day Honey and I woke up at dawn to go into the city bc we tried to see if we could get tickets for Conan O’Brien bc Damien Rice was the musical guest. Long story REALLY short… we did NOT get tickets and we did NOT see or meet the band… BOO!!!! But we did have a VERY, VERY lovely breakfast with some Mimosas!!! That can NEVER be bad. We walked around a lot and window shopped, and walked, and ate, and walked, and got coffee. It was a good day even with no Damien. We talked a lot and that’s always fun.

On Sunday I went food shopping for Thanksgiving. Even though I am going to my stepmother I won’t be able to eat anything, so I had to make my own food. That way my grandmother would be able to eat also bc she’s not coming with me. Nothing else is really happening. The stuffing I made is freakin awesome. I’m still obsessed with Daniel Day Lewis. Watching “Gangs of New York” I still can’t believe that it’s him. He’s so incredible. I also can’t believe that he’s 49 years old.

Since it’s thanksgiving I wanted to quickly say what I am thankful for. Every day I thank G-D for my friends. Without them in my life I know I would be a different person, I would be a person who does not love and respect myself so that I can love and respect others. I am thankful for my brother. He is an amazing person and I am very lucky that he is in my life. I am thankful for all the adults in my life who care for me. Even though this is a little redundant I am thankful for Honey. She is my friend, my sibling and my adult. Thank you for always being there for me. I appreciate you so much and am so thankful that you are in my life.

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Anyway – There really is nothing else going on.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's so Rainy.....

I haven’t written in a bit and thought I would now.

I went to
Honey’s a few weeks ago and we saw MattyNay. The show was at the 9:30 club, which is always fun. When Carbon Leaf was on we talked to John (Matt’s bassist) for like 20 minutes and that was fun bc he was a little drunk. On our way out we saw Josh the 9:30 bouncer guy who had an article in the Washington Post, so we went over to him and said hi. All his bouncer friends were making fun of him. We left and Honey wanted a picture with him so I was like, lets go back then. And she was like, no, no, no. I said yes! And so I went back in and asked if he would take a pic with us and he said yes. Honey and I were laughing so hard bc he’s so the gentle
So we waited for Matt outside and he knew to come to us last. There weren’t that many people waiting but he knew that we were to be the last one he talks to. I told him the story about me waiting for U2 all night on the sidewalks of NYC and never got to meet them. Matt was mad for me. It was so hot of him. We talked a bit about U2 and some other bands. He confirmed a secret about DMB that I was hoping wasn’t true and which I cannot repeat on this blog. He met Sir Paul McCartney. Both Honey and I wondered at the same time if Sir Paul was controlling or abusive in anyway… but neither of us had the guts to ask. He told us about having Edie Van Halen waiting in a line with him for something. But he didn’t say anything to him. Honey gave him presents and he was all giddy. He told us that he openly weeps at reading the U2 book, which I have purchased myself and only am up to 1978 – 1980. Damn – the book is big – and chockfull of details which I am most appreciative. Then I said to him with a slight hint, hint and a nudge, nudge, “I wish I was going to your show at the cutting room.” So he says to me you really want to go, and I was like HELL YA! Of course I do. So he said NO promises but to e-mail his myspace page and he’ll see what he can do. AWESOME!!! I knew that he was going to come through for me and Honey. I was right!! 2am the night b4 the show Honey calls me, I pick up the phone and say to her, “so what time are you coming tomorrow.” I knew that he was going to write back. He put both me and Honey on his list, his personal list!! How awesome is that?

So I meet Hon in the city and we walk to the show. On the way there we stop in a starbucks, but not to get coffee but to get matt a thank you gift card and to pee. So I go pee and honey gives me the card to write something to Matt. As the door to the bathroom closes who do I see walking towards me?!?!?! I freak for a second. Then say, “OMG what are you doing here?” It was MATT!!! Haahaa!! He gives me a hug and he’s reading his messages on his phone. He says something about having no confidence and I was like anytime you need a boost you call me. He said something about texting me and I was like “I have the oldest phone in the world and it doesn’t have texting.” Then Honey comes out of the bathroom and she was like “it was freaking me out to pee with Matt out here.” It was really funny. So we told him we came in here to give him the gift card and he was so happy. He had no hands free bc he was holding 2 coffees so Honey put it in his front pocket. Jealous – Haahaa!!! He was meeting with his street teamers so we left him and went to the show. Which by the by “The Cutting Room” is owned by Chris Noth. Just a little trivia there for ya.

It was the best solo Matt show Honey and I have ever seen. It was a really great show and he sounded so good. It was a proud moment that I felt. I really felt that he knows that it was a great show. After the show Matt came to us last again and we only had a moment with him bc something happened with his manager. I don’t want to say but it was awkward and it wasn’t. It was an interesting moment to witness. That’s all I’m saying about that.

That’s really all I’m going to say about that weekend. We saw Matt again at Irving and had to sit through Carbon Leaf, which wasn’t fun. But then Matt came on and he was amazing!!! It was the best whole band show. His last song he did “Little Victories” by himself, no band, no mic, just him and a guitar. I totally cried. I was just really proud of him. He did such a great job.

So onward and upward…

My new obsession is one Mr. Daniel Day – Lewis!!! The finest actor out there today. It started with Gangs of NY, and finding him attractive even though his character is not supposed to be.

Then I was like I need more. So I went to Blockbuster and the only movie they had was “The ballad of Jack and Rose”. Which is a truly messed up movie but he was so incredible in it. I immediately went on Amazon and bought, “the boxer,” “The Ballad of Jack and Rose,” “In

the Name of the Father,” & “The Age of Innocence.”

I am going to borrow “the Last of the Mohicans” from my brother. I saw it when I was younger and even then I thought that he was hot in the movie. But I am going to borrow it and then decide whether I am going to buy it. On my Amazon wish List I have “The unbearable lightness of being.” And I am totally gonna buy it soon. He has been nominated for 3 Oscars and won for “My left foot.” The other Nominations were for “Gangs of NY” which he was amazing in. And for “In the name of the father.” He doesn’t do that many movies bc he’s good enough to be picky. During his down time he’s a cobbler in Italy. He’s going to be in a movie that’s in post-production and should be coming out in 2007. It's called
"There will Be Blood," sounds interesting. The link has a short description about the film. But I have a feeling that I am going to have to search for the movie when it comes out. !!!
One of the best things about Daniel Day – Lewis is his ability to do accents. He’s British but for the longest time I thought he was Irish. In the boxer he’s Irish. In “TBOJ&R” he’s Irish. And his accents are both different and AMAZING!!! In Gangs his accent was so good. He’s so good. He’s really amazing

I saw "the departed" Saturday night. That movie was freaking incredible. I was blown away. I talked to Honey after and she said. “It’s like being punched in the gut.” And I said, “no, it feels like I was punched in the face.” It was so good. Leo was great!!! Marky Mark was great!! Matt Damon GREAT!! Jack GREAT!! Martin Sheen GREAT!! I really hope that Martin Scorsese wins for directing this year. It was a really great movie.

I wish I was seeing Dave Matthews this winter. He is doing a solo European tour that I so very much wish I was going to. He’s going to be in all the places that I wish I was. Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, damn it, damn it!!! All the signs are pointing for me to be there, except for one little thing… money and the lack of it. Shoot….

I’m seeing Bob Dylan with the Raconteurs on Thursday with My brother Dylan, My sister-n-law Dana and Honey. That should be really fun.

Can’t wait to see Damien Rice!!! I am yearning for his transcendence. I also can’t wait to see Shane.

Edge I haven’t forgotten about you and all your hotness. On the final leg of the Vertigo tour Edge has been lookin’ oh so hot!!!

I think that’s it for know. Until next time…