I could live on Damien Rice concerts

We exchanged presents bc neither of can wait for stuff like that. She gave me OPRAH!!!! it's awesome. anyone who knows me, knows my deep respect and love for Ms. O. I was shocked and very excited that I got that. We went out and did some errands. While Honey made dinner I watched my stories that she so nicely taped for me. The ulterior motive was that I knew there was going to be hot man crying by Cameron Matheson. So I wanted Honey to see and she did. And she was happy. After dinner we watched "the ballad of Jack and Rose." Honey freaked out and she's going to buy it now. DANIEL DAY-LEWIS RULES ALL!!!

The next day I had a belly ache the whole day bc I was nervous about seeing Shane. It's stupid I know... but I love him and I can't help it. It was a lazy day and we went to Starbucks and pizza. Then we drove to The Lincoln Theater and we were there early but there still was a really long line... then we found out that the line split and we were right in front... AWESOME!!! Long story short we had 3rd row, we would have had second row but they were reserved for VIP. It was awesome. If you go to Youtube I am sure that you can watch many of the video's that honey took.

The show was amazing. But let's back it up to the AMAZING opener!! Swell Season. They were amazing. The lead singer from The Frames - Glen Hansord. He's freakin adorable. And Irish.... hhmmm the Irish. His voice was spectacular. His best song of the evening, I thought, was called Leave. Damien helped write this song and you could tell. it was aggressive and amazing. Glen really looks good in his jeans... I know that's not a reason to really like someone... but it certainly isn't a bad quality. ya know?
Look at the cuteness of Glen. He told a really crazy story about ghostbuster. It freaked me out.

If I could afford it I would have seen them 3 times this year, but unfortunately I can't afford that. Highlights from the show were: Me, My Yolk and I, I remember, Rootless Tree, Coconut Skins, Cannonball (without a mic at the edge of the stage) (edge), His stories and that crazy ass ending.
If you look closely you can see that he spilled wine all over the front of his shirt.
After the show there was nothing to steal. No set list, no picks, no sticks :( but alas, there was the call sheet. which was almost better bc it had the time they had to be on the bus. It's cool bc it had the date, place and damien's name on it. We waited by the doors of the place but then I saw Tomo walking to the bus with his stuff and NO ONE went over to him... and I was like fuck that!! and I went right over to him and asked if he would come out to talk to us and sign some things and take some pics. So he said he would. We waited for a while and he didn't really come out for a while. Finally he came out and spent some time with him. In the midst of the conversation it came out that he was a Jersey boy. He has an interesting personality. But he's really nice.

We talked about the set up of his drums, the fact that he has an Irish accent now and damien not signing stuff anymore and him not really understanding why.
AAHH then Shane finally came out. He was carrying a heavy box with all the beer and cups in it. He was trying to get into the bus, but he couldn't so Honey was like yelling at me to take the box... the box was too heavy. All the cups fell and I helped Shane pick them up. Our. knees. touched. The tour Manager took the box from him and he took the cups from me. I was already totally blushing. I asked him if he could sign stuff and talk to us. He was like sure. He asked my name and I told him. Yetta. he. said. my. name. OH MAN!!! He was making me blush bc I love him and I was totally making him blush bc I was telling him how amazing he is. I remember I touched him A LOT!!!! I remember NO ONE else talked to him (i don't get that at all).

I remember we talked to him for like 10 -12 minutes. He told some fun stories about Glastonbury. He called his boots wellies and honey had to tell me later that wellies were actually boots. I think he's amazing and I really love him. I could marry a man like that... or I could just marry him. Our picture is awesome together and he looks soooo hot!! and i have to say I look really cute. We just look good together. I really think that if there was more time he would have totally asked us to go with him to get a drink. He certainly would have talked to us longer. We hugged at the end and oh man it was a really good hug. The whole week of anticipation was leading up to that moment. The only way it would have been absolutely perfect would have been if he said - "Fook all this Yetta, Run away with me!!!" haahaahaa... oh dear

Then came Damien, some how or another Honey and I were the last one's but we didn't even do it on purpose this time. I forgot to mention that not so scary Josh from the 9:30 club was there and he was "protecting" Damien from all the "crazies." But as soon as Damien came over to us Josh totally walked away, he was still watching but he went to talk to someone that works at the theater. I just thought that was amusing, bc Josh knows. Back to Damien. for the full story head over to Honey's blog bc I went over the whole thing with her today and I can't do it again. Let's just say that the amount of respect I had for Damien B4 the show tripled after the show. We had an interesting discussion about the fact that he doesn't sign things or take pictures with anyone. It's under a trial basis - so we'll see what he has to say the next time we see him. (hopefully he won't move on from there and not talk to anyone ever again). But when I was speaking to him the whole time his eyes NEVER left mine. And when he was speaking to me my eyes never left his. I really, really felt that he was listening to everything that I was saying. It was more then listening - what's more then listening? It was that. It was a moment of complete respect and validation and attentiveness. His eyes are stunning and you really could reach in and touch his soul. It was a pretty amazing moment. When we said goodbye he gave me (and honey) the most amazing hug. It was a double squeeze, i don't want to let go hug. It was surprising bc I really didn't think he had that type of strength in him. It was a really great night. I forgot to mention when Damien was telling a story to us he grabbed my arm and inadvertently grazed my boob!!!! haaahaa I was laughing really hard in my head when it happened.

I know this picture is really from 2 years ago. The exact date was 05/03/04 outside the Beacon Theater. The show that changed my life. Damien pretty much looks the same as he did 2 years ago. So I thought I would post a pic of him with me.
After that we talked to the driver for a couple of minutes bc we wanted to know where Glen was, but he had left. Damien's driver also drove around Tom Petty, Crosby, Stills and Nash. He was a cool guy, he has a really rough schedule. But it was funny bc he was like "I see it all. The picking, scratching, the smelling," interrupting him I funnily screamed, "Nooooo. They are all perfect in my mind!!!" He laughed and that was the end of the night.
The rest of the weekend was really nice. Just hangin' out with honey, some writing and talking about the hot men. Thanks Honey for an awesome weekend!! and this is for you: "Let him know that I love you, Maggie" A little DDL being Irish. haahaa... ahhh I haven't been able to stop watching the Damien video... I love it!!! That Frames album is also really good!!
I think that's all for now.