Eight is Enough

While walking to the show I saw this handsome man talking on his cell phone. I first noticed his awesome shoes, then his perfect jeans that looked like they were made perfectly for his body, then his awesome shirt and great jacket. Then I saw the hair and I thought he was gorgeous right away before I even saw his face. Then like a dawning it hit me!!!! The jeans, the jacket, the hair!! It was GLEN HANSARD!!!!!!!!! I instantly grabbed Honey who was a little bit in her own world and she was totally caught off guard and was like WHAT??!?!?!

This was a nuts show bc there was some moshing and body surfing. Which can be fun but at a Fratellis show? It wasn't the right moment for that. The opneing band was alright, but while they were on stage I mapped out a whole business plan for them so they can be better. The #1 thing I thought they needed was Rehab all around, then some lessons, hot haircuts and finally some decent jeans!! But back to the Fratellis. The lead singer, John, who knew that he was actually really good looking? I sure didn't!!! but he really is! During the show some people were totally moshing on me and I was not happy. I braced myself and held onto the barrier and pushed my ass back so far that it was the length of 5 rows. .

I looked over at Honey who almost fell over bc she was laughing so hard. I didn't think that she was watching me, but she totally was and it made me laugh. I was just so annoyed. I only got bothered 2 more times during the rest of the show. so it must have worked. It was a great show Honey taped most of it and after the show she actually faught for that set list and GOT IT!!! I helped a little but I don't know if she really needed it. It was so unlike Honey to fight for the set list, but I was glad that she did. I got a pick. Outside the venue Honey and I waited for a little bit and it was such a short wait. All of a sudden Barry came out and I walked right over to him and took a pic. When I was in the pic with Barry I saw John walking to their car. In my head I was almost in full panic. NO ONE else was asking for pics or autographs so he was walking away. Everyone was just standing around looking.

So I yelled out John's name while still in the pic with Barry. I felt bad bc there wasn't enough time to get Honey in the pic with Barry, but I figured that John was more important. so I hopped in the pic with him and then I asked if he could take one with Honey. He then started walking again to the waiting car and I was at least able to tell him how much fun the show was and he said that he had a lot of fun too. With that he was gone.
Honey and I were the only ones that got a pic with him. I think the night of the Frames we were the only ones that got to meet Glen. Bc I eased dropped on a roadie and a manager. They said they were leaving in like 20 - 30 minutes and there were just too many people waiting. It was crazy.
In between that I met Honey's friend Mike and his wife Kaori. What a great couple. But the funny thing is that they totally looked like they stepped out of a magazine. We had a great conversation with them. Mike told this story about his childhood dog and I totally almost cried. They were really great to meet and I had a really great time.
Friday - Muse/My Chemical Romance
So we head back to Honey's side of town. We went back to Honey's house b4 the show and just chilled b4 the concert. We headed to Maryweather Post and got there around 3:30ish. There was already a pretty serious line happening. It was going to be a long day with all the Emo loving, painted faced, zippery pants wearing teenagers. But to our surprise Honey and I struck up a conversation with the guys behind us. An uncle and his nephew. Someone that was actually around our age and his 14 year old nephew. He was taking him to his first concert. We ended up playing cards together (my Barbie cards are always perfect for that long concert line). We made a pact together to stick together. We realized that there was no way that we were going to get into the pit, but we made a pact that we would all save each other seats. So after all the waiting we had really pretty decent seats. Muse was OUTSTANDING!!! They really blew the crowd away. I'm still unsure why they were opening up for My Chemical Romance. But whatever... So after they went off the stage Honey and I wanted to do some stalking. So we left our seats and went to look for the best place. We were waiting around the VIP area and there just seemed to be no hope. We struck up a conversation with these awesome boys from the area. Joey, Mark, Thomas and Mike. They are really great guys. So I found out that we really weren't in the right place and we all decided that we were going to walk across the venue to stalk properly.

While all this hoopla was going down. I became obsessed with Jane Eyre. I also became obsessed with Toby Stephens. The british hotness is surely on top of the list.

While I was at Honey's house there was something wrong with my car. I wasn't sure what it was but I knew something was wrong. Honey and her mom and I looked at the tires and we didn't see anything. so I was thinking and Honey was thinking that it might be the alignment and that is crazy expensive to fix!!! so we took it to midas and the guy drove it around and lifted it up on those things and he found that it was the tire. There was a big dent in the tire. I remembered that I accidentally went over a curb last week. oops... so we got the tire fixed and went to the mall.

Here is Hot Smoldering Nathan!!! He really is so good looking it's shocking!!! He's also so gentle. But the hug he gave was really firm. He's hot!!!

And here is The Lightbody!! He's such a goober!! But I think he's swell!! They really put on a great show that night. He sounded so good. He was also really funny that night.
I can't wait for their next album to come out.

I really can't wait to see U2 again!!
Looking forward to More Muse, Damien, SHANE!!, Keane, Rocco Deluca, watching Dr. Who and my birthday (oh wait maybe I'm dreading that).
Enjoying: Life On Mars, Toby Stephens, Jane Eyre, Lost, Heroes, American Idol, Medium, Grey's Anatomy and my cats.