
What the hell happened last night? First on the CW on the model's show, Natasha loses to man faced Jaslene!!! Natasha was amazing and different. She had great personality and was a force to be wreckend with. Everyone was jealous of her talent!! Honey was livid, I was just mad. They really are stupid for not having Natasha win!!! I mean this picture where she is a man is crazy good. She even took foil from a gum wrapper to make it look like she had a grill on her teeth!!! her idea!! she really grabs a consept and runs with it. She's russian and got this hip-hop dude on target!!! She's amazing and it's really a shame that she didn't win bc she totally deserved to!!!

Then on American Idol Melinda that one with all the talent (again) was booted off!! What is going on here? I really think that it's a conspiracy so now Jordyn will win. Not to say she's not good, bc she is. but she is NOT better then Melinda!!! by any means. I feel that the conspiracy is that no one would believe that Jordyn could beat out Melinda in the final, but America would believe that Jordyn could out sing Blake. Who I love, he's different and contemporary. But he can't out sing Jordyn. American Idol wants Jordyn to win bc she is easier to package and market to America. So they kicked off Melinda prematurely.
At least Lost was AMAZING last night. I totally cried. It was great. The whole Charlie dying thing is very upsetting to me. I love him and don't want him to die, but when he started to cry b4 he jumped in was very upsetting to watch. The whole ep was really great. And almost made me forget about the earlier mishaps with reality tv.

Medium was also really good. I don't know if I realized that it was the season finale, but there were no scenes for next week, so I am guessing we are now on summer break. Scanlin yelled, like really yelled, at Allison last night and it was scary, but hot at the same time. I really like that guy, I think he's great.
I think he's a tall drink of water. A little brutish. But really manly and hot. He cried once on Medium and it was all kinds of hottness. Look at the way he wears his suits!!
Ugly betty was very good tonight. It was pretty sad. Kristen Chenowelth was on and she's totally adorable.

Lee Pace is going to be on a new ABC series called "Pushing Daisies". When I saw the commercial I freaked out!!! I love Lee Pace and I welcome him back to TV with open arms. He is an amazingly hot man!!!
Look at that hair!! dadamn!!!
Let me say that Jane Eyre is an amazing movie. But what's outstanding is that it's a better book. I love getting completely lost in books when they are good. There is nothing better. I know that I watch a ridiculous amount of television, bc I love tv. But what I love better is getting lost in a book. I know that I was supposed to read this book in high school and I'm sure I read the cliff notes, but I wouldn't have been able to appreciate Jane Eyre then.
thanks to Honey for turning me into a completely obsessed fiend with Jane Eyre, Toby Stephens and his whole personality.
I'm really looking forward to Ricky Gervais at the Garden. Honey is going to be laughing so hard and that's gonna be great to watch. I'm really looking forward to seeing Damien and Shane!!! BC he's HOT!!! and I love him!! I mean like I really love him. I could and would marry him. I also think that it'll be great to see Keane. It's gonna be a lot of fun. I think Rocco Deluca is going to be good also. I have a feeling their live show is really good. And it's not out of completely possibility that maybe perhaps someone special might be there. I don't know if I should say bc I don't want to jinx anything. But the special person has a show on FOX and I once asked him 2 questions. That's the only hint.
Grey's so far is very good. Jeremy London just showed up.... maybe it's the other London, I can't tell.
Listening to: The frames!!!!