This week has been really fun. Let's start it off with Honey coming up to see me and then seeing Magnet aka Even Johanson and Stars at Webster Hall. That was a really great show. I hung out for a bit by myself waiting for Honey bc the L was not working. Then we met up with Robyn and her friends for dinner and had such a good time. I found free parking and that is something that makes me happy. Honey and I left about 10 minutes b4 everyone else did bc we had to pick up the tickets at the will call window and then we got a premo spot right in front of the stage. Everyone met us there and we saw Magnet b4 the show. But we didn't say anything to him, bc he looked really busy. Then the show finally started and Magnet went on. I was really upset for him bc I think he ended his set early. There were so many ppl. talking all through the show and I was getting really upset. I felt like he had shown us a piece of his heart and all those ppl. just squeezed it with their rudeness. He put on such a great show and he is so talanted. After his set we called him over and Honey gave him a letter and Robyn said nothing. We really weren't sure if we were going to meet him after.
Then Stars went on and I thought they were kinda weird but really, really fun. They put on a really great show and Honey and I were really thrown by them. Damn those Canadians. After the show we were waiting outside in the freezing cold watching all the drunk ppl. on line and making fun of them. Honey and I did investigating and there was no tour bus or any clue that there was a band there at all. Then as all our hope was gone someone called, "hey there's magnet." Honey and I dashed over not even aware if we knocked anyone over. Honey actually started to cry. I was in shock. Magnet was really listening though to everything Honey was saying and I really think he understood that Honey was a superfan. Then we took pictures with him and Honey got her cd cover signed. We talked to him for a few minutes. Then he saw Robyn who was almost hiding from him and he gave her a really big hug. And he was having this really down to earth conversation with her and it was so awesome. You could see in his eyes that he really cares for her and that was really cool to see.
Everyone left after that except for me and Honey we wanted to meet Stars. We were the only ppl. waiting for them. It was getting quite cold out at this point but we knew that we have been through worse for ppl. we really love so it was going to be worth it and it was. I really think that they were almost touched that we had been waiting for them. I got a set list and everyone signed it and then we took pictures with everyone. We talked to the drummer Pat McGee and he was really nice and we talked about being on tour. He was just so cool. Bc I was saying that it must be so much fun to go on tour. He was honest and he said that it is fun but sometimes you just want to go home and hang out. He was so so smooshy!! They really were all so smooshy. They were just so so nice.

This just in... I was looking up Torquil Campbell, from Stars and he was in imdb and there he was and it said that he was in "sex and the city" and Law and Order: SVU. I asked honey if that was really him and she looked and was like "IT CAN'T BE!!!" And we looked on her SVU and it is HIM!!!! Torquil Campbell DID TV!!!!!!!! Unbelievable...
So the next day we went to visit my mom and Dylan and Dana came with, along with my grandmother. It was such a good visit. I think that my mom was so happy that her family was there. It really was a good day with her. She was in a good mood and was loving that we were all there. I was finally able to give my brother his holiday gifts. He loved them. It was a relief. I gave him "The Incredibles" Collectors Edition. He had that but not the collectors edition. Then I found a copy of this Bob Dylan show that my brother was at in '97 and that was his other gift and that he was so so happy about. It was such a relief that he loved it and couldn't believe that I found it.
The rest of the day Honey and I cooked for the week. That was nice and relaxing. We watched Grey's Anatomy and Honey liked it. hee hee. it really is a good show. Aside from the main characters. George is great and sandra oh and all the other ppl. On Monday we both got haircuts and then went to the city and hung out with Linda, her husband is Prince Eric. She was a lot of fun. She's a really nice girl.
Breaking News... TORQUIL CAMPBELL is AMAZING ON SVU!!!! There is def. MAN CRYING!!!!! Oh My Holy Torquil!!! He was really really good!!! The episode is called "Uncivilized." I wish we would have known about this b4 we met him and we could have told him that he was amazing!!!
Tuesday and Wednesday were normal I went to work while Honey hung out in my house and then we drove to Honey's house on thursday. Then we went to the COMPLETELY AWESOME Coldplay show. It was so so so good. That Johny Buckland is my yummy man. Will Champion was on fire and I think he was the star of the night. It was Chris Martin's Birthday so that was awesome that we got to see him on his special day. His voice was so clear and pure. Fiona Apple opened and she was really good. Even Honey admitted to liking it. We waited for them after the show and again we were the only one's and it was so sad. Bc we never got to meet them. I asked some Hot british dude that worked for them and he said they left right after the show and swore that they were on a plane to NY. It was sad. I really wanted to be in Johny's arms.
The Buble` was sooo great LIVE!!!! He's so so HOT!!! His voice was amazing. He was so funny and a big ham. He was great. There were so many great moments. He is just a great performer and he got everyone to run to the stage and go crazy for the last 5 songs!! He was so so great. There are just not enough words. After the show we waited for him and we were the hardcore fans that waited the longest and for what?!?!?! NOTHING!!!!! He never came out. or it was true that he had left right after the show and had to go back to the hotel. But it was so so frustating!!!! Both Honey and I had a dream about it after bc it was really upsetting. In both our dreams we go to meet him and probably got to meet him in a way that would have never happened. We really were the very last fans to leave. Everyone else were QUITTERS!!!!
It's just been really nice and relaxing talking to Honey about music for like 14 days straight. Watching a lot of TV and videos of all our favorite bands. There is nothing like it.
Sunday was such a nice day. We drove up to Annapolis and it was a really easy drive and it's so beautiful up there. It's right on the water and it's just so nice. Except for the birds!!! We spent the day walking around and go into different stores and going to Starbucks. Smelling good food and walked near the water and watched ppl. go by. It was just such a nice, nice day. Then we went to the venue and they weren't letting ppl. in yet so we waited outside bc I wanted to watch the bus and see if KT was gonna come out of it. Honey thought that she was already inside. And I just had a vibe.
Low and behold the door of the bus opened and there she was or so we thought. At closer inspection it was her and there was no moment of hesitation and I went over to her. Honey was trailing behind me, freakin hiding from her. As soon as KT saw me coming she was so open and turned to me. Honey and I were like two little school girls, squeeling and telling her how much we love her and our favorite songs. I don't know if she really understood us bc we were talking so fast and squeeking. Her manager took a pic of us and she signed our cd's. She's amazing and I love her!!! The show was amazing!! Her voice was amazing and she is so the chick rocker and she wasn't annoying. I love her. After the show we tried to meet her again, but it didn't happen. But I did score (for both of us) 2 setlists and 2 PICKS!!! I wanna be KT Tunstall, I wanna be me too, so maybe I want her accent and her voice and her guitar playing... oohh and that cute sparkly blue dress. Argh... I love her!!!!I want to also send a big shout out to Honey and tell you that I had a great time these past 2 weeks. Good stuff with Tony Almeida in Jacks arms. I hope that actually happens. I can't wait to see Jamie Cullum. WOOHOO!!!
I love EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH... Got my Mattnay tix for April at Joes Pub in the city.
I'm Rick James Bitch.