The Emmy's 2006

This was Keifer's first Emmy of the evening and his first Emmy, I think ever. He's been nominated b4 but never one, until now!
He thanked his daddy and his daddy was totally crying and it was a really hot moment!!! Just look at how this man wears his clothes ~ He's flawless.

Jeremy Piven won for best supporting actor in a comedy - Congrats!!! I have to say that I have believed in you forever ~ even b4 your little show called "Cupid". You deserve to win and I got a lump in my throat when you almost started to cry and thanked your dad. Congrats again... just one question... Why the ascot?

This is Keifer with Emmy one and Emmy two. One for Lead Actor in a drama!! WOOHOO!!! The other one is for Best Drama Series~ since he is a producer he gets an Emmy for that!!! GO Mr. Hottypants. I'm so proud. I'm so happy that the show won for Best drama. It's also Fox's first Emmy for a Drama Series. Well done Keifer.

Conan O'brien hosted this years Emmy's and he did a really great job. The opening sequence was him "falling" through different shows. first it was lost, then the office, then southpark. When he was in southpark they totally made a reference to Tom Cruise coming out of the closet. It made me laugh very hard. After his opening molologue he went into a song and dance routine that used the music from "the music man". Also very funny. He totally made fun of NBC sucking and it was a funny moment. the hat on his head just made him look totally ridiculous but absolutely committed.

Mariska Hargitay - It's so cool that she won!!! It was a nice surprise, bc I really did not expect that - though I didn't want anyone else to win. I'm really glad she one. I'm not crazy about her dress, but she did just have a baby like 2 weeks ago, so I suppose she looks really good for just having a person come out of her.

Look at this beautiful lady!!! I absolutely love, love, love this dress. She wasn't nominated for anything but she should be just because she's stunning. I watched the finale of Grey's bc it was that kind of day. I was crying within the first 10 minutes of the show. When "Izzy" is screaming and crying to "Denny" it's so emotional.

Mr. Grissom, Mr. President. Both these men looked really sharp. They are both very attractive gentlemen in that older man sort of way.

Wentworth Miller - he's just too pretty not to have on my blog.

She's belting out some sweet sounds. No doubt!!

After Pink went on the tv stars decided to have a band. James denton was on guitar, bob the bachelor was singing, and non other than Hugh Laurie was on keyboards. Pictured here and here.

Me and Damien after the best concert of my life.
Lately, I have been thinking about Damien Rice and The Beacon Theater Show in May of 2004. One of the best birthday presents ever!! It's the best concert that I have ever been to. It was transcendent. Lifting me up it changed me. The music was deep, it was dark, it was beautiful. I spent the better part of the weekend downloading a whole lot of Damien Rice from many different shows on YouTube. Here are what I think are the best. Of course there was nothing from The Beacon show that I went to, which is a shame. I do have a copy of the show and it's still just as unbelievable everytime that I listen to it, which is often. so please enjoy ~
Baby Sister - This is just a sad, sad song. Damien's voice is so low and sad. It's a really beautiful song. He wrote this song for a friend that wrote a story or something.
Eskimo - This song is a slow burn. Damien evokes such sadness.
Cold Water - Lisa is just phenomonal. She makes it look so effortless ~ she's amazing and she's beautiful. Damien told us at Beacon that this song is like lying in a tub and covering your whole body with water then going underneath all the way and holding your breath until you can't hold it any longer. He has an amazing soul.
I remember - This is one of my favorite songs. Lisa's voice is sooo good. It's so soft and so strong. The song starts off almost sweetly and then is just blows up in your face with amazing intensity. The fact that he can make that sound come out of his beat up old guitar is mind blowing. And by the way you can see Shane alot in this song and he looks hot.
The Professor - Damien really yucks it up in this song pretending to be like Bob Dylan for a few seconds. It's a really great song and he gets the band to smile the whole way through.
Woman Like a man - It's an angry song and it's amazing to watch. Lisa sings hauntingly behind him. Good stuff.
Me, My Yolk and I (clip 1) (clip 2) - This is for sure my favorite song. Honey doesn't understand why and sometimes I don't either. I just know that it's intense and I love it.

Me and Shane Fitzsimons, he plays bass for Damien. Look at this hug. Notice his eyes are closed and he's smiling. He's a really great hugger. What a nice man. He's totally my new crush for the moment. I just haven't been able to stop thinking about this lately and I don't know why. 5/03/2004
The Lost pictures from DMB Randall's Island. FRONT ROW BABY!!!!!!

Dave was standing right in front of me and I couldn't bring myself to take a picture and block my own view. So I took a picture when he turned away and you can see his squshy tushy.

Dave and Boyd face off!! What a great night!!

Bela Fleck and me. Since I lent him my pen I was the only one who got to get a pic with him. He was super nice. this is dave's funny face. I do love him.

This is something fun that Honey found. You can create your own ticket... for anything. It would have been smart of me to put the link for that site, but I forgot it already. eh, what r ya gonna do?
I think this would be the best concert EVER!!! if it were real!!!! Notice that it's totally in my backyard!!
That's all for now. Enjoy the YouTube downloads.