This is so Frustrating
I just wrote a huge post and I lost the whole thing!!!! That's soooo annoying. The gist was that I am excited to be going to Honey and I want to show her a hot pic of Moose. The blogger was originally called Aben is Yummy, bc he responded to my post on in the Forum under Matt Chat. and then some one else was like how did I get him to do that. It was funny and aben's cute. There was a pic of me and him taken that we actually look like we're together.
I also talked about Oprah from the other day with Joshua Nelson, who is an amazing Gospel singer and Oprah today with Hugh Grant and how Wickedly Funny he is. and I think that Renee Zelwegger is kinda pretentious. and Colin Firth is hot and reminds me a bit of Matty Nay.
I also was talking about how I cleaned the whole house today and found my project from Culinary school and how awesome I thought it was. And I was remembering that I got physically sick while in the process of making it bc I was so stressed out.
I also found an old Macroeconomics book with my note and midterm in there and I was surprised that I did so well, I got a "B" and I don't even remember taking the course. There ya go. I think that's all, I put some incense around the house and the house smells good now. I think that's all she wrote.